seasonal allergies
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Seasonal Allergies – The Complete Guide

seasonal allergies

It’s always exciting when the weather turns and it’s finally nice enough to spend time outdoors again without freezing, but for many people, spring, summer, and even fall allergies can make outdoor time unpleasant or even downright miserable.

More than 60 million people each year suffer from seasonal allergies. (source)

While common remedies are over the counter medications or even prescriptions, there are several proven natural remedies that can decrease allergy symptoms and even address root causes.


What Are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, refers to hay fever and other allergies that are related to outdoor and seasonal elements of spring, summer, and fall weather.

Allergic rhinitis typically appears at a young age, but sometimes seasonal symptoms don’t develop until well into adulthood. Other times, they can seem to fade for years at a time and then flare up again.

A large part of what determines seasonal allergy and how severe the reactions are is where you live and how severe the pollen or other allergens are in the season.

It’s possible to have seasonal allergies in one state and move to a new area without any signs of hay fever.

Seasonal allergies can be triggered by one or more component, and each individual’s sensitivity level can vary. For example, some may be allergic to pollen from trees, whereas others are allergic to pollen from grass or flowers.

Between grass, trees, flowers, and ragweed, there is almost always something to be seasonally allergic to, except in the winter when pollination goes dormant in most areas.

Seasonal allergies can cause symptoms ranging from mild to completely intolerable and can impact day-to-day living. They can even lead to asthma attacks, with around 80 percent of asthma sufferers also having allergic rhinitis. (source)

What Are the Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies?

While most know about sneezing and itchy eyes as symptoms of seasonal allergy, the symptoms are more widespread than that in most individuals. Some can even be so severe as to be confused for colds, sinus infections, or other viruses.

Typical symptoms associated with seasonal allergies can vary from one person to the next, but can include any of the following:

  • Itchy and watering eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Excess mucus
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose
  • Scratchy throat
  • Headaches
  • Ear infections, especially in the middle ear
  • Irritation in the ear or feelings of itchiness
  • Exhaustion, insomnia, and sleep problems
  • Poor concentration and focus
  • Impaired decision making
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Low blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Skin rashes

While staying indoors can cut down on the severity of symptoms, it likely won’t fully erase them since no one’s house is a fully contained bubble.

Besides, living the warm seasons entirely indoors is never ideal. Yet for some, it feels like the only option given the severity of their symptoms.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies to Develop?

There are a number of underlying causes that can lead to the development of seasonal allergies or which can exacerbate them.

All seasonal allergies are activated by a histamine response, which is controlled by the immune system. When the body is exposed to the allergen, histamine production ramps up.

Some people produce significantly more than others. (source)

Boosting natural immunity can help to reduce some aspects of seasonal allergies, but isn’t always the only trigger or culprit behind symptoms.

Asthma: People who have asthma are significantly more likely to experience seasonal allergies in addition to their existing respiratory triggers. Managing seasonal allergies is a crucial way to avoid asthma attacks.

Stress: The body under stress changes numerous aspects of health, and reduced immunity is one of them. As a result, histamine production can increase, resulting in more severe reactions to allergens.

Illness: Following an illness of any kind, the body is more susceptible to ongoing immune problems and the result can be more dramatic seasonal allergy symptoms. The same is true for those recovering from surgical procedures.

Pregnancy: The body is at a heightened place of sensitivity when pregnant due to extra hormones and a shifted focus. Immunity can be altered, and allergies that didn’t exist before can pop up, including hay fever or seasonal allergies.

One in 100 women end up with asthma during pregnancy—even when they never had it before—and more than that find seasonal allergies added to their plate.

Other allergies: If you’re already allergic to foods or other substances, your body’s histamine production already runs on the higher side and you’re also likely to have a compromised immune system in one way or another.

Allergy disorders tend to stack together, so an allergy to a food or substance can just as easily indicate allergic response to outdoors and other components of seasonal allergies.

Simple Lifestyle Adjustments for Seasonal Allergies

Before we get to some natural remedies for underlying causes, here are some quick ways you can add to your comfort level when going through hay fever or allergic rhinitis in the spring, summer, or fall.

1. Hydration: It’s important for everyone to drink enough water, but when you suffer from seasonal allergies and excess mucus production, ensuring you have enough water can thin the mucus and cut down on congestion.

2. Frequent showers: If you’re outside and around allergens, showering shortly after can cut down on the continued irritation from pollen or other contaminants on your clothing, and you’ll be less likely to bring outside stuff into your living space. Washing clothes in hot water can also cut down on the presence of allergens.

3. Keep clutter minimized: The more stuff you have sitting around, the more dust and other allergens can accumulate underneath. Spring is the perfect time for decluttering and deep cleaning, but so are summer and fall.

4. Don’t open doors or windows: As obvious as it might seem, limiting exposure to allergens in the home will allow for better comfort, especially at night. Limit your time outdoors, too, on days when pollen or other allergen counts are high. Most weather apps will give this information.

9 Ways to Naturally Address Seasonal Allergies

Most over-the-counter or prescription medications for allergies come with side effects and don’t correct the underlying causes of allergies.

Natural therapies can provide relief, but can also help to address some triggers for seasonal allergies, like immune problems or excessive histamine production. These are the top nine ways to naturally address seasonal allergy symptoms.

1. Try Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is often found in supplement form, either powder or capsules. Research finds that spirulina can stop histamine release that leads to allergic rhinitis symptoms.

It can improve such irritating symptoms as sneezing, congestion, nasal itch, nasal discharge, and generalized itching according to the results of a 2008 double-blind, placebo-controlled study. (source)

2. Avoid Trigger Foods

Certain foods can’t cause seasonal allergies but they can lead to increased histamine release in the digestive system, worsening hay fever or other symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.

The foods most responsible for causing problems include:

  • Wheat, gluten, and other grains
  • Peanuts, soy, and other legumes
  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Vinegar and fermented beverages, like kombucha
  • Dairy products
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Citrus except for lemons and limes
  • Chamomile, echinacea, and other herbal teas
  • Processed foods, preservatives, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, and sulfites
  • Melons
  • Bananas
  • Cucumber
  • Shellfish
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Dried fruits
  • Dates
  • Any foods you’re allergic to, sensitive to, or intolerant of

While all of the above foods won’t worsen symptoms for everyone, they’re common histamine releasers and trigger foods. Other foods could worsen your allergies, too, so being mindful of symptoms and even keeping a food journal can help.

3. Use a Neti Pot

While neti pots might scare some away, they can provide significant sinus relief for allergy symptoms. It’s a great way to flush out mucus or clear the sinuses from fresh exposure to pollen, ragweed, or other allergens. You can use a neti pot once or twice daily.

Be sure to follow the instructions and always use purified or filtered water. Understanding the proper procedure can also make it a successful experience. Most neti pot companies provide helpful support videos or other resources to customers who are new to the concept.

4. Try Quercetin

Quercetin, a potent antioxidant supplement, is backed by research for allergy support. This supplement is a flavonoid that stops histamine in its tracks and can provide long-term relief with regular use.

It’s often paired with vitamin C for maximum benefits. However, quercetin can interact with certain medications, so if you already take any prescriptions—including antibiotics—be sure to check with your doctor first. Don’t pair this with other allergy medications.

5. Eat Foods That Support Healthy Histamines

While there’s a lengthy list of foods to avoid that could trigger worse histamine and allergy reactions, there are also foods that can decrease histamines naturally.

These foods should be eaten in support during allergy season, primarily for the benefits they offer the immune system, digestion, and overall gut health.

The best foods to eat for allergy support include:

  • Raw, local honey: Research finds that truly local honey contains components of seasonal allergens from the area that better help the body cope with symptoms. Over time, it can even decrease the chance for allergies at all. (Note: never feed honey to children under age 1, and don’t try this if you’re allergic to bees or have had other sensitivities to honey-related products.) All it takes is a few bites a day. (source)
  • Bone broth: Perfect for gut health and immunity, bone broth is packed with nutrients that can fight infection and support the body when dealing with seasonal allergies. It’s also comforting when consumed as a hot beverage and can help loosen up the sinuses.
  • Apple cider vinegar: While most fermented foods are histamine releasers, apple cider vinegar is a potent immune booster and can help to dislodge mucus. Try a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with honey and lemon juice, up to three times per day.
  • Omega-3 fats: Allergies often lead to inflammation, and omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory fats. Foods rich in them include salmon, cod, mackerel, chia seeds, and walnuts.
  • Ginger: Another anti-inflammatory nutrient, ginger helps to decrease swelling and can also support digestive health. This might lead to a decrease in histamine production in the stomach. It can also have a warming and detoxifying effect on the body, helping to remove toxins that could exacerbate allergies.

6. Essential Oils

Some essential oils can help open nasal passages, decrease congestion, and alleviate other respiratory symptoms. Diffusion, especially at night while resting, can help to improve overall comfort in the home.

The best oils to try are peppermint oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus, menthol, tea tree, and lemon. Always use a carrier oil to dilute if you’re going to use topically, or you can make your own vapor rub for chest and sinus congestion by pairing essential oils with coconut oil.

7. Boost Probiotic Intake

Probiotics support gut health and all around immunity. They’re the good bacteria that live in the gut and fight off invaders like viral infections and bacteria.

Supplementing with probiotics can help take the edge off of seasonal allergies, especially when taken regularly. Research backs up probiotics as an effective allergy treatment. (source)

Try at least 50 billion IU or get a recommendation from your healthcare provider.

8. Try Stinging Nettle

A medicinal herb, stinging nettle has been used for natural allergy support for hundreds of years. It has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties that work nearly as effectively as over the counter allergy relief. It especially helps to decrease histamine levels.

It can interact with certain medications, though, so check with your healthcare provider before starting, especially if you take blood thinners, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, or take antidepressants.

9. Supplement with Butterbur

Another supplement with medicinal properties, butterbur is so effective with mucus that it is sometimes used to address bronchitis. It also provides relief for asthma, although should never be used as a replacement for emergency asthma relief.

Research shows that butterbur can be as effective as allergy medications. It, like all other supplements, is not safe for pregnancy or children unless directed by a doctor. (source)

The Complete Guide to Seasonal Allergies |

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8 Ayurvedic Practices Everyone Should Know About

Medically review by Kim Langdon

Ayurvedic Practices

Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced for centuries.

If you've been focused on holistic living in general, practice yoga regularly or know anything about your chakras or your dosha, you've likely heard of Ayurveda.

Even if you haven't, you might be more versed in the foundations of it when you begin to see some of the most effective practices.

Maybe you're already doing some of them regularly!

The mission behind Ayurveda drives home the importance of finding balance in life.

It takes into account learning to understand and cater to your body's very innate needs: eating, cooking, cleansing, detoxing and healing as our environment changes around us, shifting with the seasons.

The definition of Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

It's a simple formula that helps us tune in and provides a natural form of medicine as well.

Ayurveda also stresses the need to take our bio-individuality into account when choosing what the best "medicine" for us is. 

It's different strokes for different folks when it comes down to it because we can't all expect one singular approach to be the best across the boards.

You'll see that many daily Ayurvedic practices have variations that will help YOU decide what's right for... well, for you!

You can learn more about determining your dosha with this quiz.

1. Pranayama


Pranayama means the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises. 

?Basically, one of the foundational tools of Ayurveda is breathing - and breathing deeply.

Big belly breaths, meditation, and yoga all come together for some seriously transformative habits you could and should take on for overall health and wellbeing, plus a true sense of peace.

The benefits of deep breathing include clearing the lungs of carbon dioxide, effectively increasing overall oxygen intake and even providing stimulation for the metabolism!

Belly breaths can also help strengthen the digestive fire a.k.a. "Agni" in Ayurveda. It can act like a massage for our internal organs helping to get things moving - literally.

Finally, it can help strengthen your core a bit (forget sit-ups - right?!) if you keep the movement centralized.

Pranayama should be different for each dosha, as the exercise balance will focus on the opposite qualities to restore balance.

You can read more about specific breathing exercises for your dosha here.

2. Tongue scraping & oil pulling

Tongue scraping

This is the dynamic duo of oral hygiene according to Ayurvedic medicine.

Both practices are thought to draw out toxins from the mouth - a big goal of Ayurvedic medicine - better than a toothbrush and toothpaste.

The practice helps to eliminate Ama which is any "accumulation of toxic residue." 

?Tongue scraping is pretty much exactly what it sounds like; it's scraping or brushing the tongue to remove bacteria which generally results in fresher breath as it harbors more gunk than the teeth and gums, plus quite a few other notable benefits.

You can use a stainless steel scraper for the best results.

Oil pulling is rather simple. It's effective because coconut oil is antimicrobial which helps rid the mouth of bacteria as well.

To get started, just pop one or two tablespoons of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around with a bit of vigor, pushing it through all the teeth, for about 20 minutes.

Spit it out into the trash so as not to clog the sink and rinse. It is even thought to be effective in treating digestive disorders and heart disease.

Finally, having a clean mouth presents little obstruction in terms of tasting your food as much as possible.

Diet is a big part of Ayurveda, and you'll learn more about the eating habits you can practice daily.

Tongue scraping and coconut oil can clear the taste buds for better quality and depth of flavor in foods.

Not only will this help you eat mindfully and identify the six tastes, but it can also lead to less overeating as there will be more clarity in strong flavors like salt and sugar.

3. Lunch large

Lunch large

Have you heard the saying, "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper?"

Ayurveda might have it that you switch breakfast and lunch around so that lunch is your biggest meal of the day, but the saying holds true regardless.

Evidently, there are benefits to limiting your larger meals to the beginning half of the day.

Go big or go home at breakfast and lunch with warming, nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods, and limit dinner to a much lighter meal.

Another key to eating the Ayurvedic diet is to eat at least three hours before bed.

This allows our bodies to rest when they are naturally inclined to, so matching up our eating times with circadian rhythm is highly beneficial.

When our digestion isn't ideal, our digestive system releases toxins. The gut and our overall gut health are vital to wellbeing, immunity, susceptibility to disease, weight and weight management and even our mood.

By making lunch the focus of garnering nutrition during our day, we can improve digestion and get better sleep, overall reinforcing that Ayurvedic balance and detox with our diet.

4. Sweat it out

Sweat it out

Ah, yet another fine way to detox the all-natural way. Notice how Ayurveda isn't telling you to supplement or juice cleanse?

The body is fantastic at detoxing itself; some habits just help it along the way and make the process more powerful, more effective and more noticeable.

Sweating is one of those habits. Whether you opt for a sauna, hot tub, natural hot springs if you're lucky, hot baths or exercise, letting your skin breathe is the ultimate form of bodily detoxification.

Another Ayurvedic option is Swedana. This is a full-body massage with oil traditionally followed by a steam, increasing the detox properties even more (and the relaxation!).

Sweating allows our pores to open up more than they normally would which subsequently gives them an opportunity to release more toxins.

Sweating also increases circulation and aids the body in shedding excess water weight.

5. Massage


Nobody can complain about being told to get a massage for your health. You're probably well aware of some of the benefits already.

Massage lowers blood pressure, increases muscle tone, reduces stress short- and long-term and increases lymphatic flow.

Ready to book your next sesh? Me too!

There are quite a few massage styles that are specific to Ayurveda that you could seek a professional masseuse.

Some examples include Shirodhara which works on the scalp and can improve mental clarity and overall focus and Abhyangam which is a full-body affair using medicated herbal oil which is used to release toxins, improve circulation and strengthen bones, joints, and muscles.

Ayurveda places huge stock in massage, and each variety has its own specific intention. You can read more about Ayurvedic massage here.

It can also be really helpful to massage at home. Many people don't practice self-massage regularly when it's a simple and effective Ayurvedic practice with hugely therapeutic advantages!

A simple abdominal massage - a part of the body very accessible to us for the full range of motion - can relieve constipation or menstrual cramps.

When massaging at home, you should generally follow circular movements on joints and long strokes on longer areas like the arms and legs.

You should also make it a point to spend time on parts of the body with lots of nerve endings, so the scalp, hands, and feet.

6. Find the six tastes in every meal

six tastes in every meal

It will be good for you to know what these six tastes are. Look out for them, and better yet, be intentional about them.

You want a balance of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent.

It sounds like a lot of work - right?

Ayurveda is heavy on the spices. Not only are they delicious, but they're incredibly healing and medicinal.

Let's cover some ground with the foundational purposes of each taste.

Sweet: Balancing for Vata and Pitta. Grounding, nourishing. Promotes longevity, strength and healthy body tissue and fluids when eaten in moderation.

Good for those trying to gain weight. Associated with slow digestion. Commonly found in foods such as cereal, oats, dates, pumpkin, honey or maple syrup and licorice root.

Sour: Water + fire. Sparks emotion and thoughts. It can improve digestion and appetite. Aggressive to the body when consumed in excess.

Commonly found in foods like lemon, apple cider vinegar, and other vinegar varieties, fermented foods, wine and tamarind (common in Thai food).

Bitter: Air + space. Incredibly detoxifying. Cool and light compared to other Ayurvedic tastes. Most beneficial for Pitta. Mentally purifying.

Commonly found in foods such as many vegetables - especially green ones, turmeric, and most teas.

Astringent: Air + earth. This is a taste that is probably less easily identified than most. It can cause gas, so it should generally be used in moderation.

Pitta benefits the most from astringent food's coolness. Purifies and strengthens. Commonly found in foods such as legumes, green bananas, green grapes, pomegranates, sprouts, and okra.

Salty: Earth + fire. May aggravate Pitta and Kapha. Stimulates digestion. Balances electrolytes in the body. Cleanses tissues.

Increases mineral absorption and bioavailability. Too much can be a bad thing! Commonly found in foods such as sea salt, seaweed, black olives and Himalayan salt.

Pungent: Fire + air. The hottest of all tastes, so highly stimulating for digestion. Clears sinuses. Improves appetite. Heightens senses. Improves circulation of the blood.

It improves mental clarity and helps you to think clearly. Can aggravate Pitta. Most commonly found in foods such as ginger, onion, garlic, mustard, and hot peppers or spices derived from hot peppers.

7. Eat mindfully

Eat mindfully

At least avoid eating when you're heavily preoccupied with stress or negative emotions.

Heck - even positive stress can take away from the experience and be too distracting for us to sit down with our food.

It's also stressed to take your time while eating. Finally, it's helpful to eat in silence or without any intentional noise to distract the mind. Think of it as an extension of meditation.

In fact, apps like Headspace actually include meditations to use while eating to help guide you down the path of truly mindful consumption.

While there is a lot of emphasis on what we eat in modern-day diet culture, Ayurveda paints a big picture for us by dialing in on many aspects of what a meal is.

Between the emphasis on specific tastes and recognizing them - which is much easier done when eating mindfully - and avoiding heavy foods later in the day, to eating mostly hot, freshly cooked foods, it is very clearly a matter of connecting the mind and body with food rather than addressing them separately.

8. Strike a pose

Strike a pose

You don't have to go for a full-on yoga sesh to take advantage of the benefits of striking a simple post.

Ideally, the pose of choice will open the heart, in which case you have a few options - including the pose shown above. 

Another simple heart opener you can practice is to place a long body pillow lengthwise under the body, having the end meet the top of your buttocks near your tailbone.

This will give you chest a nice lift as you open it towards the sky, and provide support for your upper body while your lower body naturally rests below where the pillow rests.

What Ayurvedic practices do you think you'll work on first? Are you already doing any? Share with us YOUR experience, and share this article if you found it helpful! We'd love to spread the word of healing.

This article was fact checked for accuracy by Dr. Kim Langdon, MD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

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8 Ayurvedic Practices Everyone Should Know About |


Lad V. Ayurveda, the Science of Self-Healing: A Practical Guide. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Lotus Press; 1987.

Baghel MS. Need of new research methodology for Ayurveda. Ayu. 2011;32:3–4.

Jayasundar R. Ayurveda: A distinctive approach to health and disease. Curr Sci. 2010;98:908–14.

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11 Best Natural Sleep Aids to Help You Improve Your Sleep

Best Natural Sleep Aids
Without quality sleep and rest, we cannot be healthy people. Sleep is when our bodies regenerate, repair, and generally work to keep us fully functioning. If we run low on sleep a few nights here or there, we might be tired, but we can bounce back pretty quickly.

But if sleep issues become a perpetual problem, as they are for one-third of all adults, then we can slowly become ill, with hormone imbalances, trouble losing weight, poor immunity, and more.

Sleep is the vital medicine that we need, but if sleep is problematic, some feel as if they have no alternative but prescription sleep aids. However, these can come with a hefty dose of side effects as well as the risk of dependency.

Instead of turning to pharmaceuticals, consider trying one of these proven natural sleep aids, which can help to correct sleep imbalances and insomnia without vicious side effects or dependency.


The 11 Best Natural Sleep Remedies on the Market

The following remedies can all help to improve sleep. If you’re having trouble getting a full night’s rest, explore the natural alternatives in this list.

Note: Never take herbs or supplements without first checking with your doctor. Natural sleep aids and other supplements can have drug interactions.


Magnesium is an essential mineral in the body that is required for hundreds of different processes ranging from muscular function (including the heart, which is a muscle) to neurological function to mood, and yes, even sleep.

Magnesium functions as a relaxer and can help to calm the mind and body when it comes time for sleep.

One of the reasons why magnesium benefits the sleep cycle is that it stimulates the natural production of melatonin, the body’s hormone that helps to regulate the circadian rhythm or the wake-sleep cycle.

Having low levels of magnesium, even if isn’t a true deficiency, can be associated with poor sleep and even insomnia.

Research shows that taking 500 milligrams of magnesium before bed for eight weeks can improve sleep quality and balance the hormones that regulate the sleep cycle, meaning: the body doesn’t get dependent on needing magnesium to sleep. Instead, magnesium helps the body to correct its own imbalances.

How to get magnesium: Supplement form (between 150 and 500 milligrams before bed) or topical magnesium oil, and also found in dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, goat’s milk kefir, and almonds


Glycine is an amino acid that is essential for several body systems, especially the nervous system. Because the brain plays a key role in being able to settle into a healthy sleep cycle, proper levels of glycine can help to improve sleep quality and quantity.

The brain, along with sleep hormones, helps to prepare the body for sleep by lowering temperature, which helps the body settle into slumber.

Studies show that 3 grams of glycine before bed can result in better sleep, higher energy levels the next day, and improve cognition. Glycine was also able to speed the time it took to fall asleep.

How to get glycine: Glycine supplements come in capsule or powder form (1 to 5 grams daily), and also found in bone broth, all meats, eggs, poultry, seafood, cabbage, kale, spinach, beans, kiwi, and banana 

Passion Flower

One of the more popular herbal remedies, passion flower can help to improve sleep and address insomnia. Passion flower tea is the most effective way to get sleep benefits from this herb, which also boasts mentally calming and anxiety fighting effects.

Passion flower can quiet the mind and prepare the brain for restful sleep.

Not only can it improve sleep quality and address anxiety, it can also work to decrease inflammation, menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, pain from chronic conditions, and muscle spasms.

Passion flower can be beneficial, but it shouldn’t be taken consistently for more than two months at a time. It works best when used on an as-needed basis.

How to get passion flower: Take as an herbal supplement or brew as an herbal tea


Melatonin is produced in the body to regulate the sleep cycle. It is a hormone, but can also be found in supplement form.

Melatonin helps tell the brain when it’s time to go to sleep. The levels are supposed to be low in the morning and rise throughout the day, culminating at bedtime to tell you it’s time for sleep.

But because of many factors, like stress, insomnia, jet lag, or other hormone stressors, the body’s melatonin levels can become off balanced and can result in higher levels in the morning and lower levels in the evening. This combination can result in daytime tiredness and nighttime insomnia.

Melatonin in supplement form can lead to increased number of sleep hours, and can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. Research shows that 1 to 5 milligrams of melatonin can provide optimal sleep benefits.

Melatonin can be beneficial for awhile, but is not meant to be used as a long-term sleep aid.

Not only does melatonin help to boost the body’s ability to rest and sleep, it can also build the immune system and decrease inflammation.

How to get melatonin: Take it in supplement form, following dosage instructions


Chamomile is a soothing herbal tea that is popular for its ability to produce a calming response. But it can also help to promote healthy sleep and a balanced mood, including working to combat depression and anxiety.

Chamomile is most often used in tea form, although some herbal supplements may be used, too. If you want to use chamomile tea for sleep, brew a cup using dried chamomile flowers or prepared tea bags. Drinking it within an hour of your desired bed time.

While chamomile is safe for longer term use, if you’re allergic to daisies or other flowers, be sure to consult with your doctor before trying chamomile in case of a cross-reaction.

Chamomile can promote restful sleep and relaxation, but it can also help to boost digestive function, address tense muscles, and work to relieve tension headaches.

How to get chamomile: Brew chamomile tea or take in supplement form (less common)


The old habit of drinking a warm glass of milk before bed to promote sleep might not be too crazy: calcium, a mineral found in milk, can help to promote a balanced sleep cycle.

When calcium levels are low or deficient, it can prevent the body from going through an entire sleep cycle, since it is needed for REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This could result in sleep that isn’t restful and chronic feelings of tiredness.

The brain uses calcium to make melatonin, so when calcium levels are low, natural levels of melatonin will also be suppressed.

Calcium isn’t only found in milk, however. It is also found in sardines, dark leafy greens, and other foods.

You don’t have to take it every day to correct an imbalance and make sure that you work with a practitioner if you choose to supplement, because supplementing some minerals can result in imbalances with others if the dosage is incorrect.

How to get calcium: Milk, chia seeds, almonds, rhubarb, dark leafy greens, sardines, and calcium supplements

Valerian Root

Valerian root is an herb that is commonly found in natural sleep aids, but it’s also relied on to address anxiety and the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes and mood disturbances.

Valerian root supplements help to promote improved sleep quality once you’ve gone to sleep, and some even find that it helps them fall asleep too, as it seems to have mild sedative properties.

It is often combined in tea form with chamomile, but it can also be found in supplements alone or with other herbs, such as hops, lemon balm, and passion flower.

Valerian is an herb to start slowly with and work up to the recommended dosage since it can have a strong sedative effect on people who aren’t used to taking it, and could contribute to next day grogginess.

Valerian root works over time to improve sleep, so should be taken regularly for at least two to six weeks, gradually increasing the dose. When you’re done with valerian root, wean off it in the same manner, especially if you are prone to anxiety, to reduce the chance of developing sudden symptoms.

Valerian root is also used for things like depression and headaches, as well as other mood-boosting benefits. It can also help to address period cramping and some other types of muscle and joint pains.

How to get valerian root: Take in herbal supplement form or drink as a tea


Hops are often associated with beer, but they aren’t brewed themselves, rather, are used to flavor beer. They’re also an herb that has medicinal properties, including sleep improvement.

Not only can hops improve sleep quality, but it can also help to calm an irritated mind and improve digestion. However, hopes might not be for everyone, as they can worsen depression in certain people, in the same way, that St. John’s wort can.

If you deal with depression or take medication for depression or anxiety, do not take hops.

How to get hops: Drink a non-alcoholic beer that contains hops or take as an herbal capsule or powdered supplement


A familiar scent associated with relaxation, lavender is one of the most studied of all essential oils. While it is a flower that can be eaten or used in other ways, including brewed as tea, most uses for lavender come from the essential oil.

Just the fragrance of lavender alone can improve sleep quality, especially when it is smelled within 30 minutes before going to sleep. Some research even shows the scent of lavender to be as effective as oral sleep aids.

To reap the greatest benefits, you can diffuse lavender next to your bed for the entire night of sleep, or make a pillow spray that you add to your pillow every night before bed.

In addition to promoting healthy sleep, lavender can also improve mood and bring a calming stability to anxiety and depression. Bonus: lavender has no reported negative side effects.

It can also work to eliminate headaches and respiratory discomfort, as well as soothing upset stomach and relieving pain—just from the scent.

How to get lavender: Diffuse or sniff as an essential oil, use topically as an essential oil, or brew lavender tea from dried lavender flowers


5-HTP is an amino acid which is associated with tryptophan, the amino acid most commonly associated with turkey and that sleepy post-Thanksgiving dinner desire to sleep.

5-HTP specifically can help to boost certain neurotransmitter levels, which can help to improve sleep quality and length in certain individuals.

5-HTP can also be used to address depression and anxiety as well as tension headaches. It should never be taken unless your practitioner directs you, since it can influence how neurotransmitters work in the brain and can interact with certain medications.

It should never be used for more than four to six weeks.

How to get 5-HTP: Supplement form only


Ginseng is an herb often used to boost immunity and sometimes even to aid in weight loss. But ginseng can also help to promote healthy sleep. In as little as a week, ginseng supplements can help to improve quality of sleep, boost energy levels, and decrease stress levels.

Ginseng should only be taken for two to three months at a time before taking a break.

How to get ginseng: In supplement form

Who Shouldn’t Use Natural Sleep Aids? 

While it’s tempting to rely on sleep aids if you’re having trouble getting the rest that you need, certain people shouldn’t rely on sleep aids, even if they are natural.

Don’t use any of these or other natural sleep aids if you are:

  • Pregnant or could be pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Already taking sedatives or sleeping prescriptions
  • Taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication
  • Taking any prescription drugs
  • Will be having surgery within the next few months

While these natural sleep aids are generally considered safe, they can interact with other medications and even other supplements, which is why it’s vital to run all supplements by your practitioner.

Never give sleep aids to a child under age 18 unless directed by a doctor.

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Want better sleep? Check out these natural sleep aids |


  1. Choi JJ, Oh E-H, Lee MK, Chung YB, Hong JT, Oh K-W. Gastrodiae Rhizoma ethanol extract enhances pentobarbital-induced sleeping behaviors and rapid eye movement sleep via the activation of GABAA-ergic transmission in rodents. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:426843.
  2. Di Bella G, Gualano L, Di Bella L. Melatonin with adenosine solubilized in water and stabilized with glycine for oncological treatment–technical preparation, effectivity and clinical findings. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2017;38:465–474.
  3. Olsen RW. GABA-benzodiazepine-barbiturate receptor interactions. J Neurochem. 1981;37:1–13. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1981.tb05284.x
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All posts, Natural Living

10 Surprising Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy might sound like a term from science fiction, but it’s not far off! It is also known as low-level laser therapy and uses LED lasers to alleviate pain and improve cellular function in the body.

While high powered lasers could damage tissues, these low level red lasers can be the therapeutic treatment that many have been looking for.


The Basics of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses low-level lasers to help alleviate pain in the body and to boost cellular function. You can get red light therapy in a few ways.

Tanning bed style: Some red light therapy units look like tanning beds but don’t contain the same UV rays that sunlight tanning beds do, so you won’t tan and you won’t increase your risk for skin cancer.

Handheld units: Use a handheld red light therapy wand to treat localized areas, such as a knee, wrist, or other smaller location.

Facial masks: Some red light therapy is available as a wearable mask for the face or head.

Screens: In order to treat a larger area, like the entire back, some at-home units are available in larger screens instead of having to use a handheld item.

Red light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria in the cells—the energy factories that each individual cell possesses—at a different wavelength than normal light.

Because of this, it can help the cells to function more efficiently and to repair the body. 

Top 10 Benefits of Red Light Laser Therapy

Red light therapy can have some amazing therapeutic effects for numerous health condition. Here are the best ways to use red light therapy to improve your life and health.

Rheumatoid Arthritis & Joint Stiffness

Stiff joints respond well to heat, but it’s not always effective to use a heating pad, which can cool off quickly and not produce consistent results. Red light therapy can produce the same sort of internal tissue and joint response as heat, without actually causing surface heat.

Red light laser therapy can help to warm a joint and make it more mobile and usable, which will help to prevent worsening stiffness. Regular use of red light therapy can help to improve mobility by at least 20 percent.

Red light laser can also improve the production of collagen in the body and can rebuild cartilage, which can lead to reduced pain levels, with no side effects compared to prescription medications that achieve the same result.

Red light therapy is also effective for osteoarthritis and normal wear-and-tear damage from aging, helping to address things like neck and back pain and increased range of motion.


The cellular heat generated from red light lasers can also help to improve the way that blood vessels work in the body, improving circulation. The better the blood vessels function, the easier the blood flows throughout the body, reducing the risk of clotting and other vascular disorders.

Blood transports oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body, so when blood flow is slow or inhibited, the entire body suffers. Improving circulation can help with many things, including immunity, skin health, neurological health, and even digestion.

Wound Healing

There is another added benefit of improved circulation: faster wound healing. The body heals wounds by stimulating white blood cells and the lymphatic system collects waste products and removes it.

When blood circulation is efficient, this process can happen much faster, resulting in reduced swelling, faster healing, and a lower chance of infection. It can even help to reduce scarring and improve skin appearance.

Red light therapy is used by many dermatologists to address scarring, wrinkles, skin rejuvenation, burn healing, and skin grafts. It has even been used by dentists to deal with mouth sores and cold sores that occur around the mouth.


Improving circulation will also boost immunity, as was discovered by NASA scientists. Red light therapy can stimulate energy in the body’s cells that can specifically stimulate wound healing and which can boost cells in fighting infections.

It is also now being used to address things like slow wound healing in people with type 2 diabetes as well as infections that are slow to heal or resistant to treatment.

Thyroid Hormones 

The thyroid makes hormones that regulate metabolism and energy levels, and problems relating to the thyroid impact more than 20 million Americans.

Red light therapy has been shown to be a natural means of boosting thyroid gland function in cases where it is suppressed or being attacked by the immune system.

It has the potential to improve thyroid function enough in some cases to reduce the need for medication or hormone replacement, and in others to improve the way that medication works.


Because red light therapy can improve circulation and blood flow, it can help to alleviate many aspects of pain, such as joint stiffness, inflammation, muscle problems, and more.

The pain-relieving results happen most often with consistent daily use for at least a few weeks.

Restless Legs & Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms or cramps, along with restless legs, can be very distracting and painful, particularly when it is time to be sleeping. These most often occur because of poor blood flow to certain parts of the body, resulting in insufficient amounts of oxygen.

Red light therapy can stimulate better blood flow and oxygen transport, which can, in turn, help the muscles to relax and stop contracting too much. These conditions respond well to regular, daily red light therapy treatment and can show significant improvement in around four weeks.

Compared to pharmaceutical treatments for these conditions, red light therapy has no side effects and isn’t something that patients can become dependent on.

Skin & Hair

While red light therapy is used frequently for cosmetic uses and to decrease wrinkles and other signs of aging, it can also be used therapeutically for scars, wounds, hair loss due to alopecia, severe acne and rosacea skin problems, psoriasis, and more.

Red light therapy helps to increase collagen, which boosts hair, skin, and even nails. It can lead to better skin complexion and tone, reduced scales on the skin, fewer wrinkles and lines, and an overall better feeling for patients.

Red light therapy can even stimulate hair follicles to grow after hair loss for both men and women. 

Mood & Energy

While blue light therapy is often touted to reduce symptoms of winter blues and seasonal affective disorder, red light therapy can also help to improve mood and energy levels.

Red light therapy works similarly to acupuncture to stimulate energy in the cells and to produce a warming reaction throughout the body.

Red light laser therapy can specifically increase sluggish energy levels (partially by working to support the thyroid), support a balanced mood, improve mental clarity and confidence, and improve general positivity, calm, and reduce anxiety.

While red light therapy can have these benefits, it should never replace working with a mental health professional or other treatments for anxiety, depression, or the like.

Always speak with your practitioner before trying alternative therapy like a red light laser.

Weight Loss

Can lasers help to improve weight loss? Some researchers think so! Red light lasers can improve blood flow and circulation, stimulating cells to work more efficiently and correcting poor functioning cells along the way.

This can result in a boosted metabolism but also increased ability of the cells convert glucose to energy, therefore, more effectively burning energy for weight and fat loss. It can also stimulate a faster time for waste to be eliminated from the body.

Red light therapy alone isn’t a magical weight loss treatment, but it can work in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise, and other natural methods of support, like a healthy sleep routine, staying hydrated, and making sure you don’t have any nutrient deficiencies.

Is Red Light Therapy Safe & How to Use It

Red light therapy sounds amazing, but is it really safe to use? And if you do decide to use it for yourself, how exactly does it work?

Red light therapy can have some amazing benefits, but that doesn’t mean it will work for everyone and every condition. It’s always best to speak to your doctor before deciding that it is right for you.

Certain people should not use red light therapy, such as those who have seizures, women who are pregnant or might be pregnant, people with eye or vision sensitivity, or anyone who has previously had a poor reaction to it.

That being said, red light therapy has few side effects and is considered to be very safe. The only side effects that may exist are mild headaches, mild eye strain if you look directly at the laser (but this isn’t a permanent result), mild nausea, dizziness, and possible muscle weakness if the red light laser is used too long or too frequently.

If you’re using red light therapy at home, always follow directions. Excessive use of red light at one time can lead to a mild skin burn, similar to a sunburn.

To determine what amount of time and level of red light therapy is right for your condition, you should speak to a practitioner for a program plan. Many plans involve two to eight weeks of use, but the level of red light laser, as well as the time used, might differ.

People using red light therapy might notice results after their first session, or it may take a few days or weeks to notice actual improvements.

Most insurance won’t cover red light therapy because it is considered an alternative therapy, and some doctors won’t be in favor of its use. Research is still ongoing as to whether the benefits of red light therapy are applicable to all people with certain conditions.

Can You Do Your Own Red Light Therapy? 

You can get red light therapy at a practitioner’s office, but many in-home units are for sale. If you purchase one for use at home, make sure you do so at the recommendation of your doctor.

Some brands of red light lasers are not as reputable and reliable, and incorrect laser levels can mildly burn the skin or cause other discomforts.

If you do not purchase a red light unit, you may be able to get treatment at any of the following places:

  • Spas
  • Chiropractors
  • Natural health providers
  • Dermatologists
  • Rheumatologists
  • Salons
  • Tanning salons

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If you are curious about trying red light therapy for the first time, here are a few benefits that you should consider. |


  1. Gupta A.K., Filonenko N., Salansky N., and Sauder D.N. (1998). The use of low energy photon therapy (LEPT) in venous leg ulcers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Dermatol. Surg. 24, 1383–1386.
  2. Barolet D., Roberge C.J., Auger F.A., Boucher A., and Germain L. (2009). Regulation of skin collagen metabolism in vitro using a pulsed 660?nm LED light source: clinical correlation with a single-blinded study. J. Invest. Dermatol. 129, 2751–2759.
  3. Khoury J.G., and Goldman M.P. (2008). Use of light-emitting diode photomodulation to reduce erythema and discomfort after intense pulsed light treatment of photodamage. J. Cosmet. Dermatol. 7, 30–34.
  4. Smith K.C. (2005). Laser (and LED) therapy is phototherapy. Photomed. Laser Surg. 23, 78–80
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bee pollen benefits
All posts, Natural Living

16 Bee Pollen Benefits That Make It a Buzzworthy Superfood

Bee pollen is a nutrient-dense superfood. It isn’t the same as honey or honeycomb and has its own specific health benefits. Read on to discover the most popular benefits of bee pollen!

But first, let’s explore a little more about how this superfood is made by nature’s busy little bees.


How Is Bee Pollen Made?

Bees flit about, collecting pollen from plants and flowers. Almost everyone knows this. But what happens next is a little fuzzy.

After it’s collected, the pollen is combined with secretions from the salivary glands of bees and then tucked away in little pockets attached to their hind legs.

When the bee returns to the hive, the pollen is deposited into the cells of the honeycomb and covered with a bit of honey and more beeswax. This combination is what feeds the bees.

Most people assume that all pollen is yellow, but it can range in color from bright to dull yellow, or even be brown or black.

Bee pollen is composed of a variety of things, including pollen from flowers, honey, beeswax, nectar, and enzymes.

While many foods contain nutrients, bee pollen contains 250 different nutritious substances. The German Federal Board of Health recognizes bee pollen as medicine because it is so nutritionally dense.

16 Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is a therapeutic product that is rich in vitamins, flavonoids, lipids, amino acids, and more. Here are the top health benefits of bee pollen.

Rich in Antioxidants That Fight Inflammation

Antioxidants help the body to fight inflammation and damage from free radicals. Bee pollen is a rich source of antioxidants, including glutathione, quercetin, carotenoids, and flavonoids.

Bee pollen contains such potent antioxidants that it has been compared to pharmaceutical medications in its ability to work within the body.

Without protection against free radicals, we are susceptible to oxidizing damage in cells and tissues which can result in chronic disease, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Bee pollen can help to reduce systemic inflammation, decrease infections, and work against the development, growth, and spread of tumors. It has been used therapeutically for people undergoing treatment for cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

Increases Natural Immunity

No one likes to be under the weather, and everyone seems to be looking for the perfect immune-boosting supplement. Bee pollen could be it!

It can help to increase natural immunity that helps to prevent or lessen the severity of cold and flu-like illnesses and other viral infections.

Bee pollen is also antimicrobial and can help to fight off bacterial infections as well as dangerous bacteria like E. coli, staph, and salmonella.

Eases Menopause Discomfort

Menopause can be a long and grueling season for women that involves unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, headaches, night sweats, mood disturbances, insomnia, and weight gain.

Research shows that bee pollen can help ease certain menopause symptoms, most specifically hot flashes, joint pain, mood, and energy levels. It even showed that bee pollen can help women sleep better when they’re going through menopause.

Fights Cholesterol Problems

Excessively elevated cholesterol can cause problems relating to heart disease—which is still the leading cause of death across the world.

Cholesterol itself isn’t bad, but when you get an extreme imbalance in the body, and the LDL cholesterol becomes oxidized, it can form plaque in the arteries and lead to heart issues.

Bee pollen can help to provide a balance to cholesterol by reducing LDL levels and increasing HDL, also known as the “good” kind of cholesterol.

Increases Longevity

Because bee pollen is so rich in nutrients it can also help the body to better absorb and use the nutrients it digests. This can help to improve overall cellular health, leading to more healthy years and a longer life.

Bee pollen can also improve muscular function and metabolism.

Helps Wounds Heal Faster

Because of the antioxidant properties of bee pollen, it can help to fight inflammation and oxidation associated with wounds and burns. It works as effectively as certain prescription burn treatments, with less side effects, and can actually speed the time it takes to fully recover.

Because bee pollen also fights bacteria and infections, it can help to cut down on the chances of infection associated with wounds or burns.

Relieves Seasonal Allergies & Other Allergic Reactions

Bee pollen can be used to manage seasonal allergies, such as hay fever or other grass or pollen sensitivities.

Note that bee pollen can in and of itself produce allergic reactions sometimes, so if you are allergic to bees or any other bee product, or pollen, you should consult with your practitioner first before ever attempting to use bee pollen.

If you aren’t allergic to bee products, it’s believed that by ingesting bee pollen, you build your body’s tolerance of pollen and other potential plant-based allergens that the bees may have come in contact with, thereby reducing overall seasonal allergy reactions.

This is only effective if you use local bee pollen since you’re trying to address allergies that are in the area that you live. Bee pollen can also help to slow the activity of mast cells, which release histamine in response to allergenic triggers.

By slowing the ability of these cells to work, the histamine cascade is diminished, resulting in fewer allergy symptoms.

Revs Metabolism

Bee pollen provides such a hefty dose of nutrients that it can help to boost the body’s metabolic function and support the body at a cellular level.

It’s rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin C, and flavonoids, all of which directly benefit the thyroid, the regulator of metabolism.

While research needs to further explore the direct result of bee pollen on thyroid hormone levels, because it contains all of the nutrients needed for the thyroid to do its job well, it can indirectly boost thyroid function and overall energy levels. 

Boosts Liver Function & Aids In Natural Detox

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body and it has a multitude of tasks: detoxing the body from harmful substances, breaking down hormones, metabolizing alcohol and prescriptions, making vitamin D and cholesterol, and so much more.

Without a healthy liver we can’t be healthy people. Bee pollen can support the liver’s natural function and improve its ability to get toxins out of the body.

Bee pollen can also help to protect the liver from damage thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, and it can also help reverse damage done by toxicity.

Fights Development of Cancer

Cancer happens when cells start to reproduce incorrectly, but bee pollen may be able to interfere with this process. Because bee pollen can stimulate cell death in tumors, it may be able to prevent the development and spread of cancer, particularly in colon and prostate cancer, as well as leukemia.

Bee pollen might also be able to fight estrogen-related cancers, like breast, uterine, and prostate. More research in humans is needed, but bee pollen is a promising future treatment potential.

Combats Side Effects of Stress

Stress, whether it’s situational or long-term, can cause numerous health problems. Bee pollen can help to support the nervous system and improve blood flow to the brain, which can better help you to cope with stress in your life.

As such, bee pollen is one of the few natural stress relievers and can help to increase energy levels while dealing with stressful situations. Even small, irregular doses of bee pollen can help to balance mood and improve energy levels, improving one’s overall outlook on life.

It can also help to relieve some aspects of stress-related pain, such as headaches from tension.

Increases Ability to Lose Weight

Bee pollen can help to improve metabolism and reduce fat in the body by improving the body’s ability to break down stored fat.

Bee pollen is also rich in hundreds of beneficial nutrients, enzymes, amino acids, and more, all of which can help to support healthy nutrition that leads to natural weight loss. While some products made with bee pollen will promise rapid weight loss, these products haven’t been tested or backed by research.

But bee pollen on its own can boost health and help lead to sustainable weight loss, reduced inflammation (which is often associated with obesity), and increased energy, which can promote a more regular desire to exercise or be active.

Improves Vision & Eyesight

While bee pollen is more of a roundabout benefit for eyesight, it can specifically help to ensure that arteries are healthy and unclogged, including those behind the eyes.

When arteries in the eyes are congested, it can result in nearsightedness or other vision problems, but the nutrients in bee pollen can promote balanced cholesterol and healthy arteries, which means proper blood flow to eye vessels.

Helps to Increase Natural Fertility

While there is no single miracle cure for fertility issues, bee pollen can help to boost natural fertility primarily by helping to stimulate ovarian function and ovulation.

It might also be able to improve egg quality, which is vital for a healthy embryo and implantation. Overall, bee pollen may increase odds of pregnancy, but won’t correct other forms of infertility and isn’t a replacement for fertility treatments.

You should always speak to your practitioner before using bee pollen for fertility purposes.

Supports Healthy Bones & Fights Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose density and don’t have access to enough calcium and phosphorous for bone rebuilding. Bee pollen is rich in both of these minerals and may help to nourish bones, keeping them strong and reducing density loss.

While bee pollen won’t replace other nutrient support for osteoporosis, it can boost other protocols and help to reduce more severe bone mineral losses.

Clears Skin & Fights Acne

Raw honey is a popular topical treatment for acne, but pairing it with bee pollen can increase the positive results. Bee pollen can help to soothe irritated, reddened, or otherwise pimple prone skin and can help to revive complexion and skin tone.

When used regularly, it might even be able to help reduce overall acne breakouts.

Is Bee Pollen Safe?

Bee pollen has a substantial amount of benefits, but is it safe for everyone to use? Not necessarily. While it’s nutrient dense and can have some great results, certain people need to be cautious.

Bee pollen should never be taken long-term, and for most people, should be taken for 30 to 60 days and then discontinued for a period.

People who have pollen allergies or bee allergies should not take bee pollen, as the potential for anaphylactic or other severe allergic reactions is there.

It is also possible to have a reaction even if you don’t have a known bee allergy, so always carefully pay attention to any symptoms or side effects, especially rashes, shortness of breath, wheezing, or hives.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take bee pollen, nor should infants or children under age three. Always ask your child’s doctor whether bee pollen is safe for them to ingest.

Do not take bee pollen if you’re on blood thinners or anticoagulants as it might increase bleeding potential.

Bee pollen could interact with other drugs or herbs, so be sure to check with your practitioner for safety.

How to Use Bee Pollen & Where to Buy 

If you want to take bee pollen for health benefits, first make sure you’ve checked with your practitioner.

You can purchase bee pollen locally—often at a farmer’s market—which is always ideal, or you can also find it online, at health food stores, and anywhere else that supplements are sold. It can be found in powder form or granules.

If you prefer powdered, you can blend your own granules or mix them into foods. You can also soften granules for use by soaking them in water or warm liquid (milk, tea, juice, etc.) for a few hours and then drinking it.

When taking bee pollen, you can add it to drinks or smoothies, mix with honey and take by mouth, or even use topically.

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16 Bee Pollen Benefits That Make It a Buzzworthy Superfood |


  1. Nogueira C., Iglesias A., Feás X., Estevinho L. M. Commercial bee pollen with different geographical origins: a comprehensive approachInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2012;13(9):11173–11187. doi: 10.3390/ijms130911173.
  2. Campos M. G. R., Bogdanov S., de Almeida-Muradian L. B., et al. Pollen composition and standardisation of analytical methodsJournal of Apicultural Research2008;47(2):154–161. doi: 10.3896/ibra.
  3. Manning R. Fatty acids in pollen: a review of their importance for honey beesBee World2001;82(2):60–75.
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Best Sleep Supplements
Natural Living

Our pick of the best Sleep Supplements

The inability to obtain a deep sleep on a consistent basis is problematic for many people.

Are you one of these people?

There many benefits that have been researched when it comes to supplements for obtaining a deeper sleep. If you want to learn more about the effectiveness behind sleep supplements, then you’re on the right path.

Every person that has trouble sleeping has noticed that they have a lack of energy or ambitions through their daily routines.

Therefore, in order to obtain a deeper sleep, that’s undisturbed that can allow you to get the right amount of rest that you deserve each evening, looking into the information about insomnia supplements to see if they are a good fit for you and your lifestyle would be a smart decision.





Performance Lab Sleep

Performance Lab Sleep

  • Accelerates sleep
  • Maintains deep sleep
  • Reduces sleep-disruptive spasms

4.5 out of 5

Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

  • Clinically Proven Tor Work 
  • Award Winning Supplements
  • Natural And Organic Ingredients

4.5 out of 5

LadyBoss Rest

LadyBoss Rest

  • All Natural Ingredients
  • Helps With Health And Body Structure
  • Scientifically-Backed

4 out of 5

Nested Naturals LUNA Sleep Aid

Nested Naturals LUNA Sleep Aid

  • #1 Rated On Amazon
  • Contains Rebalancing Ingredients 
  • Can Relax Your Mind And Body IN One Session

4 out of 5

Genius Sleep Aid

Genius Sleep Aid

  • All Organic
  • Not Addictive
  • Ability To Wake Up And Feel Your Mood And Body Feel Improved 

4 out of 5

So, below we have put together a list of the top 10 best sleep supplements in 2021 that can be beneficial for you and your desires to get a consistent amount of sleep each and every night. 


Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

The physicians sleeping supplement product come in 60 capsules in each product and they are clinically researched and proven to work for those who are suffering from insomnia.

To top that off these sleeping supplements are award-winning and patented and can give you the organic and natural sleeping habits that you require to function every day.

To top that off, they are known to improve mental clarity as well as allowing you to wake up every morning and feel re-balanced, refreshed, and energized to start again. 

They contain melatonin chamomile as well as the Larry group in order to help with a more natural way to fall asleep and get the full amount of rest that you deserve.

If you’re not 100% satisfied they will give you a money-back guarantee just to ensure that you appreciate and are satisfied with their product. 


  • Clinically Proven Tor Work
  • Award Winning Supplements
  • Natural And Organic Ingredients


  • All Raw Ingredients, So Not Recommended For Those Who A Sensitive
  • Those That Do Not Like Vegi Capsules Should Not Take Them

LadyBoss Rest

LadyBoss Rest

The LadyBoss sleeping supplements are manufactured to help women with getting a more driven and consistent sleeping pattern. These sleeping supplements not only help reduce anxiety and stress, but it helps them get on a more consistent sleeping pattern that they can be proud of.

In addition, these supplements are scientifically proven to promote a woman’s overall health and wellness as well as boost their emotional standpoint. They are one of the higher priced items on this list, however, they are effective based on the ingredients that are incorporated into the supplements.

This item would be a good choice for a woman looking to stay on a healthier lifestyle and continue to keep balance within her body. 


  • All Natural Ingredients
  • Helps With Health And Body Structure 
  • Scientifically-Backed


  • Only Made In Woman
  • Pregnant Woman Need To Talk To Doctor Before Taking

Nested Naturals LUNA Sleep Aid

Nested Naturals LUNA Sleep Aid

The Nested supplements have been considered the number one sleeping aid on Amazon because of their all natural ingredients.

They have the ability to let you fall sleep with a gentle way and allow you to wake up feeling rebalanced and refreshed, allowing your body and your mind to fill in a happier structure.

There is an ingredient of amino acid that is also introduced into these sleeping supplements, which is also found in green tea so it’s beneficial to your health and your mind at the same time.

These sleeping supplements would be good for those looking to get in a quick organic and natural method of sleeping with a proven and highly reviewed sleeping supplement. 


  • #1 Rated On Amazon
  • Contains Rebalancing Ingredients
  • Can Relax Your Mind And Body IN One Session


  • If You Are Allergic To Amino Acid
  • If You Are Sensitive To Organic Ingredients

Genius Sleep Aid

Genius Sleep Aid

The genius sleep aids or supplements are fantastic at helping seen relax your mind and give you the benefit of decreasing your insomnia issues. These supplements are not only beneficial to help with your sleeping habits, but they also help with emotional status.

They have ingredients to boost your moods as well as helping with your overall fatigue increasing to a functioning level. They are not addictive and are backed by science to help improve the quality of each supplement. 


  • All Organic
  • Not Addictive 
  • Ability To Wake Up And Feel Your Mood And Body Feel Improved


  • There Are Only, 40 Capsules In Each Product
  • Only Can Take Them 5 Days In A Row

OLLY Restful Sleep

OLLY Restful Sleep

OLLY sleeping supplements have a soothing blackberry aroma to entice your brain to relax and feel more in a Zen state of mind.

They are made to help those who have a problem sleeping in a dysfunctional sleeping cycle and because they are made with melatonin they are highly effective for those looking for a natural way to fall asleep.

If you’re looking for a product that is not a capsule, these supplements are made in a gummy form to make it easier to take on a consistent basis. There is 50 gummy in each of the products and top that off they help the user feel well rested and give you a sweet taste of fall sleeps with. 


  • Flavored To Indulge Your Taste Buds
  • Are Made In A Gummy Fashion
  • Ingredients Are Driven Through Science


  • If You Do Not Like The Taste Of Blackberry
  • Not Necessarily for Staying Asleep 

Zhou Nutrition Drift Off

Zhou Nutrition Drift Off

If you are a person who lays down and cannot slow your mind down, then these sleeping supplements may be the right choice for you. They allow you to relax and calm your mind before fully taking the effect of putting you into a deeper sleep.

They include Valerian root and melatonin, which are highly effective at keeping people asleep once they are in that rest mode. And to top that off they allow the user to wake up emotionally refreshed and stable ready to take on the next day.

There are 60 capsules within the product, and they are one of the most cost-efficient products on the market to help with sleep problems. 


  • Allow User To Calm Down Before Sleeping
  • Contains Effective Ingredients
  • Priced Reasonably


  • May Want To Talk To A Doctor Before Taking Them
  • Some Allergic Warnings Are Also Included

Jacked Factory Lean PM

Jacked Factory Lean PM

For those interested in a quality sleeping aid supplement than the Jacked Factory capsules are a great go to. They also are phenomenal at helping those who want to lose extra pounds while they sleep in a more organic fashion.

The ingredients have suppressants to help eliminate nighttime food desires and they are great at allowing the user to wake up and feel refreshed and balanced.

A positive feature that they include is a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not being fully satisfied with the outcome. This supplement is a fantastic option for those looking to lose weight and get a good night of rest all in the same period. 


  • Fat Burner With Sleeping Help
  • Natural Ingredients
  • Mood-Boosting Supplement


  • They Cost A Little More
  • Not Made For Those Who Are Taking Anxiety Medication

NeuraLife Labs Shut-Eye

NeuraLife Labs Shut-Eye

NeuraLife has an exceptional way to incorporate a perfect sleep supplement for adults that are looking to get a higher strength supplement.

They can help with anxiety as well as insomnia. There are 60 capsules that are included in the product. These supplements have the ability to relax your state of mind and re-balance your body comfortably throughout the night.

With these sleeping supplements, you can get the ability to be confident that you will get a full night’s rest. To top that off they offer a money-back guarantee and also are proud to express their quality and purity of the ingredients for their consumers. 


  • Includes Magnesium
  • Made In The USA
  • Made With Quality And Assurance


  • May Be Allergic To Some Of The Ingredients 
  • Strong Smelling Capsules

NutraChamps DreamRite

NutraChamps DreamRite

The NutraChamps supplement is effective for those looking to slow down and calm your mind to help you feel sleep fast or. There are 60 supplement capsules on each of the products.

They have the ability to let you wake up and feel fully rested and energized. One of the benefits of these sleeping supplements is that they are safe as well as nonaddictive.

To top that off, their ingredients are natural and have been proven to be one of the most efficient sleeping solutions for any person that is a hard time relaxing the mind and getting into that calm state to go to sleep in a positive manner. 


  • Organic And Safe Ingredients
  • Comes With A Guarantee
  • Has Proven Ingredients


  • A More Expensive Choice 
  • Allergic To Chamomile, This Is Not A Recommend Product 

Evlution Nutrition Sleep Mode

Evlution Nutrition Sleep Mode

The Evlution supplements provide a more natural way to get a night of deep sleep and relaxation when you lay down at night. This product is more cost-effective and it allows the user to fall sleep in a faster and more organic method.

Includes Valerian root, melatonin, and other natural ingredients. These supplements allow the user to take them on a consistent basis and without the need of them being habit-forming.

Some of the features include lemon balm extract as well as passionflower in order for it the user to feel calm and lower their anxiety. There are 60 capsules in the product, and they are proven to be effective for those that are seeking to get rest in a faster sleep method. 


  • Organic And Safe Ingredients
  • Includes Anxiety Reduction Extracts 
  • Nonaddictive Supplements


  • Not recommended For Pregnant Women
  • Not recommended for those taking additional antidepressants

Our #1 Recommended Sleep Supplement

Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

Physicians Choice Natrem Sleep Aid

In conclusion, there are a few recommended sleeping supplements on this list that would an ideal choice.

The two that are highly recommended are Physician's Choice Sleep Aid and Jacked Factory Lean PM because one has been clinically proven to be effective for many different users as well as another to help you lose those additional pounds and gain a mental boost on yourself. 

Therefore take a look now to see which sleeping supplement would be a good choice for you and go ahead and check out the products by clicking on the link to help you get back to the normal sleeping patterns that you deserve.


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All posts, Natural Living

Pink Himalayan Salt: Is It Better Than Using Table Salt?

Himalayan sea salt is noted for its pink color, and is considered to have numerous health benefits that go well beyond seasoning food. But what are the health benefits, really, and how can you use it?


What is Himalayan Sea Salt?

Himalayan sea salt is primarily sodium chloride like other forms of salt, but is different in other ways. Himalayan sea salt is unique in that it is naturally pink in color.

It is harvested from Pakistan, and is found in massive salt mines that are around 5,000 feet below the Himalayan mountains.

While it is mostly known to be pink, it has several variations on the color spectrum, ranging from almost red to almost orange, or much paler in color and even sometimes pure white.

The difference in specific mineral content is what causes the range in color, and it’s thought that the iron content causes the pink-to-reddish hue.

Himalayan salt is also known as pink salt, rock salt, or crystal salt, and comes in several different grinds.

What Are the Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt?

Himalayan salt is considered to be the purest form of salt and it also has several health benefits. It contains anywhere between 60 to 84 trace elements, minerals, and trace minerals.

Celtic salt is the only other salt that is comparable to Himalayan salt in mineral content, but Himalayan salt has the most. These include:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Molybdenum
  • Iodine

While Himalayan salt still has sodium, like regular table salt, it is considered healthier because it has several nutrients and doesn’t affect blood pressure in the same way that iodized table salt does, although when eaten in excess it can still be problematic for some.

Salt is actually necessary for a healthy body, and too little salt can be far more serious than eating too much salt for most people.

Salt is required for ensuring that the cells function properly, that the nervous system is communicating, that digestion is effective, that nutrients from foods are absorbed, and that waste is eliminated from the body.

Himalayan salt can specifically benefit the following:

Respiratory problems

Himalayan salt is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and is used in a therapeutic healing process known as halotherapy.

Halotherapy is a natural means of improving lung function and helping address breathing or lung-related issues like pneumonia and bronchitis, and is conducted in rooms or caves that are entirely made of blocks of Himalayan salt, typically with a loose salt floor, much like walking on sand.

Sitting in a room like this can help to loosen mucus, open airways, and decrease immune system reactivity, as in autoimmune disorders. Some modern spas now include salt rooms so that members can breathe in the deeply purified air as part of a rejuvenating cleanse.


If digestion is problematic, such as with low stomach acid, reflux, or indigestion, mixing Himalayan salt with warm purified water and drinking it first thing in the morning can help to improve digestion over time.

This mix can also help to improve the muscle movements of the digestive system, known as peristalsis, helping to improve elimination in people who struggle with constipation or irregularity.

It can also boost metabolism. This should not be done by people who have high blood pressure or otherwise need to be on a low sodium diet.

Sleep quality

People who eat an excessively low-sodium diet tend to have more trouble sleeping.

The nervous system needs adequate amounts of salt to go into a proper state of relaxation, and when it doesn’t have enough salt or minerals (which Himalayan salt also provides), it remains in more active state, leading to more frequent wake ups or difficult falling asleep.

While everyone differs in their sodium needs, people tend to be afraid of sodium and salt and many default to not having enough, especially if they eat a diet low in processed foods.


Himalayan salt contains natural electrolytes and can help to provide a stable amount of fluids for cellular use. When we become low in fluids or electrolytes, our fluid balance within cells can become disrupted.

While there are many electrolyte drinks available to buy, most if not all contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, and other unhealthy ingredients.

Balancing electrolytes naturally with Himalayan salt provides more benefit with less side effects, and Himalayan salt actually contains all of the required electrolytes: chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.

You can make your own electrolyte drink by pairing a pinch of Himalayan sea salt with 4 ounces of coconut water or purified water, a ½ teaspoon of raw honey, and a drop of liquid stevia.

Purify air

Himalayan salt lamps are popular and often seen in health food stores, but what do they do?

To a smaller degree than a salt room, Himalayan lamps can help to purify the air in individual rooms of a home or office.

As the lamp heats, it actually draws dust and other allergens and impurities into it, leaving cleaner air in the room, and reducing the amount of pollutants or irritants that you breathe in.

This only works as the salt warms from the heat source of the lamp.

Himalayan salt lamps never expire, since they are made of salt that is hundreds of thousands of years old, but some experts believe it’s best to replace them after a few years to ensure their purity.

Muscle cramps

Himalayan salt contains magnesium and potassium, which can both help to alleviate muscle cramps or Charley horses, especially when part of a regular diet.


Many headaches are caused by a deficiency in magnesium, which is a mineral found in Himalayan salt. Magnesium and calcium in proper balance help to relax tight blood vessels, which can be a cause of recurring headaches.

pH Balance

When the body is too acidic, any number of health issues can creep up. Himalayan salt helps bring balance to the body’s pH levels, which is good for immunity and healthy digestion.

When digestion isn’t good, no matter how healthy we eat, we won’t be able to absorb the nutrients that our bodies desperately need.

Most people tend toward being overly acidic, which can cause any number of issues, ranging from digestive issues to vaginal infections to even cancer, as some health experts have suggested.

Thyroid health

Himalayan salt contains naturally occurring iodine which is essential for thyroid hormone production. Hypothyroidism can occur when the body lacks enough minerals or nutrients to make enough hormone or to convert it to the active, usable form.

Regular use of Himalayan salt instead of table salt may help to support the thyroid in normal, healthy function.

Adrenal health

The adrenal glands make hormones that help the body cope with stress, as well as reproductive hormones. They rely heavily on the right amount of nutrients to be able to make these hormones, but when the body is overly stressed or undernourished, adrenal hormones can be some of the first to get off balanced.

Sodium and potassium are especially critical to adrenal wellness, and they’re found in Himalayan salt. Maintaining adrenal health is essential for thyroid health, balanced sleep, and energy problems like chronic fatigue.

How Can You Use Himalayan Salt?

Himalayan salt has numerous uses, which is why it is available for purchase in varying levels of grinds. Ultra fine is perfect for seasoning food, whereas coarse rock salt is ideal for things like body scrub or bath soaks.

Seasoning food

Himalayan salt is not only healthy, but has a distinctly deeper flavor than basic table salt. Less salt can be used to achieve a deeper flavor profile. It can be used before, during, or after the cooking process depending on the type of dish.

In ancient times, Himalayan salt was often used to cure meat or fish. You can also use Himalayan salt when making fermented foods at home.

Using in drinks or with water

As mentioned above, Himalayan salt contains natural electrolytes and can be used to boost regular water, or can be combined with warm water as a digestive system support.

If you need extra electrolytes but don’t want to make an actual electrolyte beverage, you can just add a pinch of Himalayan salt to a glass of 12-16 ounces of water. Note: do not add salt or salt liquids to stainless steel or metal bottles.

Body scrub

Slough off dead or dry skin with a homemade body scrub recipe. While many use sugar, coarse Himalayan salt is magnesium-rich and can nourish the skin better than sugar.

Combine with coconut oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a luxurious smelling scrub that will nourish your skin from the top down.

Pro tip: make small batches of the body scrub so that the salt doesn’t break down over time.

Bath soak

To provide relief to sore muscles, add one half to 2 cups of Himalayan rock salt to a warm or hot bath. This can be especially useful for athletes or people with chronic joint or muscle pain.

Allow the salt to dissolve for a few minutes before stepping into the bath, and soak for at least 10-20 minutes to achieve optimal effects.

Nasal rinse

If you struggle with seasonal allergies or postnasal drip, then an occasional neti pot flush of the sinuses with lightly salted water can have a cleansing impact. This is especially true if Himalayan salt is used thanks to its pH balancing and anti-inflammatory properties.

This is also a great way to manage or recover from a sinus infection. If you’ve never done a nasal rinse with a neti pot, follow the neti pot’s instructions for mixing the liquid, but swap in Himalayan salt instead of pure sodium chloride.

Detox bath

Similar to a bath soak in method, a detox bath focuses more on soaking to draw toxins out of the skin. When Himalayan salt is mixed with water, it has an ionic balance that can help to pull toxins from adipose tissue, or body fat.

Since most toxins are lipophilic, meaning they are stored in fat, this can be an effective method of removing certain kinds of toxins. You can increase the benefits of a detox bath by dry brushing before.

Using a natural fiber brush, sweep the skin in the direction of the heart, starting with legs, then arms, and then trunk.

How to Buy Himalayan Salt

There are lots of pink salts on the market, but not all of them are pure Himalayan salt. When purchasing, ensure that the label says that it was harvested in Pakistan.

Additionally, salt needs to be kept in cool, dark places to maintain mineral content, so purchasing from discount stores often means that it wasn’t always stored in a temperature controlled environment, like a grocery store or health food store might offer.

While Himalayan salt is certainly more expensive than white table salt, its health benefits make it so much more than just basic salt. Investing in Himalayan salt, whether to season your food or to use for other purposes, will address more health issues and provide more positive effects for the body.

Himalayan salt will last indefinitely if stored properly. Always keep it in a sealed container, away from moisture, in a cool, dark area. Most pantries work well unless they’re close to the stove.

If salt does get exposed to steam, it will clump together and may not be as easily used for cooking, but could still work for scrubs or baths. So even though salts will have “best by” dates when purchased, if stored properly, salt can be used long after this date has passed.

Best by dates are not the same as sell by or expiration dates.

Bottom line

Himalayan salt is an ancient mineral-rich salt that is often pink, red, or orange. It contains magnesium, potassium, and other minerals, and can be beneficial for many health conditions.

It can also be used therapeutically for conditions like breathing problems, muscle aches, and headaches, and can be used to make DIY body scrubs, bath soaks, and more.

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Pink Himalayan Salt Benefits: Is It Better Than Table Salt? |


  1. Yepsen, R.B., Jr. (1987) How to Boost Your Brain Power: Achieving Peak Intelligence, Memory and Creativity. Emmaus, Pa.
  2. Beamon S, Falkenbach A, Fainburg G, Linde K. Speleotherapy for asthma.
  3. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD001741. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD001741.
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Using Herbs in Your Home
All posts, Natural Living

12 Ways to Use Herbs in Your Home (Other than Cooking!)

Using Herbs in Your Home
Even if you don’t have a herb garden (whether it be a few pots on your windowsill or meters of herbs planted in your backyard), fresh herbs are just a supermarket trip away.

We all love to cook with them, but did you know herbs can also be used in a number of fun and helpful ways around your home?

From bathroom products such as body scrubs and soaps, to cleaning sprays, room perfumes and decorative hangings – herbs go beyond garnishing your favorite meal. 

If you’re looking for ways to use herbs in and around your home, then you’re in luck. We’re sharing 12 brilliant DIY herb projects below!



Summertime often brings an abundance of herbs, so if you’ve got some extra bunches lying around your home, why not turn them into not one, but three of these genius (and all-natural) cleaning products?

This tutorial will show you how to use herbs as natural pest repellents, to add additional benefits and aromas to natural cleaning products, and to infuse in vinegar. So clever!



Here’s a simple homemade mint sugar scrub that you can make in five minutes or less with ingredients from your grocery store, as well as some trusty herbs.  It’s exfoliating, moisturizing, and so easy to make! The best part?

It takes advantage of all of the fresh mint available this time of year, so you don’t have to let any go to waste.



This pretty and herbal soap contains essential oils, mineral color, and dried herbs and flowers, making it not just smell great, but be excellent for your skin too.

When it comes to decorating these soaps, feel free to use whichever herbs take your fancy – whether it be mint, rosemary, chamomile, or more. The herbs don’t just act as a decoration, but also work to exfoliate your dead skin cells.



This eucalyptus essential oil spray smells so peaceful and has the added benefit of boosting immunity due to its antimicrobial properties, making it wonderful to spritz around during flu season.

It’s just a three-ingredient process: water, essential oil, and witch hazel, which can then be adorned with your favorite herbs to boost its fragrance (and health properties) even more.



The scent of rosemary is used in aromatherapy to promote focus, memory, and reduce brain fog, while peppermint is claimed to help energize and refresh the mind and body.

That’s what makes this soap so beneficial for your morning shower, as it instantly puts you in a positive mood to start the day. Rosemary is also commonly used as a natural deodorizer, making this one all-natural soap that totally works.



Bath milk recipes usually include milk powder, but this dairy-free version uses finely powdered oats as a great substitute for milk powder, still creating a luxurious, skin-softening and calming bath.

In this tutorial, you’ll find not one, but three luscious recipes for bath milk, containing goodness such as Epsom salts, clay, jojoba oil, essential oils, and of course, dried herbs!



This DIY calming chamomile bath oil is wonderfully soothing, not just for skin but also for an anxious mind. This herb-infused bath oil contains dried chamomile flowers and essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, and camphor.

Then there’s beneficial ingredients such as sweet almond oil and fractionated coconut oil for moisture. Sounds divine!



These DIY candles smell wonderful and repel mosquitoes naturally, making it a safer and healthier version than other store-bought alternatives.

They’re the perfect addition to any outdoor space, plus they make a pretty table centerpiece when entertaining guests. You can add herbs such as rosemary, basil, thyme and lavender, along with lemon and lime slices.



These DIY pressed candles aren’t just a great way to try your hand at making candles, but they’re also a wonderful excuse to use up any herbs in your garden.

This project uses a mix of beeswax and soy wax, Mason jars, pressed rosemary leaves, and essential oils. Rosemary looks great in these candles, but you can also use herbs like thyme or lavender that are readily available in the garden, grocery store, or garden center.



Simply simmer water infused with spices, herbs, and fruit to make your very own natural room scents. Any herb can be used for making a room scent, but the ones that are sturdier and on woody twigs hold up the best.

This tutorial recommends using rosemary and thyme. Simply pair them with ingredients such as lemon, pine or cedar twigs/needles, spices (such as cinnamon sticks or cloves), and extracts.



The herbal blend used in these DIY dream pillows is specifically chosen to release a fragrance that will promote calm and send you off to dreamland in a matter of minutes.

We all know how important a good night’s sleep is, but many find it hard to fall asleep quickly, not to mention to stay that way until the sun rises. These perfect little pillows contain ingredients such as dried hop heads, dried chamomile flowers, dried lavender buds, dried rose petals, and dried mint leaves.



Your garden might be overflowing with fresh herbs, but many DIY projects and recipes will often call for the herbs to be dry. Now, we all know that dried herbs can cost a small fortune at the supermarket, which is why your very own herb drying rack can come in handy.

Don’t see the need to dry your herbs? Why not use this as a beautiful decoration within your home (like an alternative chandelier) when guests come over for dinner? Genius!

Time Inspire Your Home With These Amazing Herb Ideas

There you have it – 12 ways to use herbs in your home that you’re sure to love!

Remember, even if you live in the tiniest apartment in the world, you can still benefit from utilizing herbs in your everyday life – whether they’re store-bought or straight from the garden. Herbs contain wonderful health and beauty benefits, plus they give off beautiful aromas to fill your home with.

What’s great about the DIY projects listed above, is that it doesn’t matter how experienced you are at crafting – there’s something on this list for everyone.

Start with the project you feel most comfortable with (like infusing some oil with fresh herbs), then work your way up to those that might take more time and energy.

It’s time to embrace the natural wonders of herbs!

Which herb project will you be tackling this weekend? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below.

12 Ways to Use Herbs in Your Home |

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All posts, Natural Living

9 Reasons to Use Bentonite Clay to Boost Your Health

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay has been used to improve health for thousands of years, but modern trends are just starting to catch on. Made of weathered, volcanic ash, bentonite clay is a natural product from the earth that has unlimited potential for wellness.

Named for Fort Benton, Montana, bentonite clay is used to refer to clay harvested there and other locations. It has become the ubiquitous term when it comes to weathered, volcanic ash clays.

Bentonite clay has many health benefits largely due to the fact that when clay is used topically or internally it initiates chemical processes that attract positive ions to its negative electrical charge.

This means that it can help to rid the body of toxins, but also boost digestion and lead to reduced inflammation.

9 Health Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay has numerous health benefits, both internal and topically. These are the most popular ways to use this natural, earthy supplement.

1. Rich in Nutrients

Bentonite clay is chock full of nutrients. Because clay is a natural product from the earth, it is safe for ingestion and in fact offers a hefty nutritional boost.

While there are no known side effects, children and pregnant women should not take it, and anyone who takes prescription medications should be sure to check with their doctor to make sure there are no overlapping concerns.

Clay is rich in minerals which are commonly low in many people’s diets. It includes:

  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Silica
  • Manganese

While these nutrients can be received from other supplements, taking them in via a natural substance like bentonite clay can help to ensure that they absorb better in the digestive tract.

2. Boosts Digestion

Bentonite clay is safe to take internally and when used, can help to boost digestion. This works in several ways.

First, clay can neutralize bacteria in the body which is harmful and can lead to digestive and gut problems. Secondly, not only can clay absorb viruses and other invaders in the body, but it can also address digestive upset symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal pain.

It can even address more chronic conditions like IBS and certain forms of irritable bowel disease, although it always needs to be run by your doctor if you’re facing chronic disease.

Bentonite clay has a protective effect on the gut lining, which means it can naturally help to defend against the development of leaky gut and can prevent it from worsening if it is already present.

Clay is best used for digestive benefits when taken regularly.

3. Increases Natural Immunity

In the same way that clay can remove viruses or bacteria from the digestive system, so it protects overall immunity. It can absorb and prevent growth of common bacteria but it can also treat more dangerous infections like salmonella, staph, MRSA, and E. coli. (source)

It can even work in situations where the bacteria have become antibiotic resistant.

While clay has proven benefits, it’s always important to keep your doctor in the loop, especially when it comes to dangerous bacteria.

Don’t self-medicate with clay if antibiotics have been recommended and don’t take with antibiotics as the clay can reduce the efficiency of them.

4. Detoxes the Body

In a similar way that it can remove bacteria and viruses from the body, clay can also promote natural detox. Because clay has negative ions, it can attract positively charged ions in the body and bind with them.

Items with positive charges in the body can include toxins and chemicals from the environment that make their way into the body, such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds), heavy metals, and other harmful substances.

You can take advantage of bentonite clay’s detox benefits by ingesting clay daily. Add a half-teaspoon to a full glass of water and drink it. While you might notice a slight earthy taste, it doesn’t have a strong flavor or scent, making it easy to consume.

When you’re just starting a bentonite clay detox, start very small—perhaps even just one-eighth of a teaspoon, and gradually increase over several days to a few weeks. Pay attention to how you feel. Don’t exceed more than one full teaspoon daily.

You can drink bentonite clay daily, or you can do it a few times per week, or you can do it sporadically (drink it daily for a week or two, and then take a few weeks or months off).

When you’re first getting started with a clay detox, you may notice detox symptoms like headaches, body aches, or fatigue as the clay rids the body of toxins. Hydrate more as needed to help address this discomfort.

Before ingesting clay, ensure that the type you’ve purchased is for internal use as some products are exclusively for topical purposes.

5. Supports Healthy Skin

Clay can help to promote healthy, supple, and vibrant skin by adhering to bacteria and other toxins on the surface and removing them.

Clay masks are a popular spa therapy that can also help to promote skin firmness and elasticity and can help to keep pores free and clear, leading to reduced blemishes and acne occurrence.

Clay is so nourishing and supportive of healthy skin that it’s also an effective topical therapy for cuts, burns, stings, and rashes—even poison ivy.

Bentonite clay can be used regularly without harsh side effects. It’s also beneficial for addressing eczema and psoriasis without further aggravating the conditions.

6. Builds Respiratory Health

Respiratory infections can range from mildly irritating to dangerous, especially in those with compromised immune systems or existing chronic conditions. Clay can help to combat adenovirus and similar infections that cause respiratory issues like difficulty breathing.

It can be taken internally with water, one-quarter to one-half teaspoon daily. It’s important to understand that clay can’t replace medical treatment of infections, but is a natural therapy that may improve health and help other treatments to be more effective.

7. Encourages Natural Weight Loss

Fat in the body stores toxins, so in much the same way that clay can bind to toxins and remove them from the body, it can help to encourage the shedding of excess body fat.

Consuming clay internally can work well in conjunction with eating antioxidant rich and alkalizing foods and gut-boosting nutrients.

While research on the effects of clay on weight loss is limited, it has shown that regular intake of bentonite clay can lower cholesterol levels and result in lowered inflammation, both of which are associated with healthier body weights.

8. Purifies Drinking Water

Fluoride is added to drinking water and dental products because it’s thought to prevent cavities, but the problem is that fluoride stays in the body and has been linked to chronic conditions like thyroid disease, diabetes, hormone disruption, brain damage, inflammation, and toxicity.

When clay is added to basic tap water along with magnesium or pH balanced drops, it can help to increase the purity of the water. It’s far simpler and less expensive than most in-home filtration or purification systems and is perfect for drinking water on the go.

9. Improves Dental Health

The mouth has the potential to be a breeding ground for bacteria, toxins, and chemicals. Even with proper dental healthcare methods, the gums can still be susceptible to inflammation and disease, many times in response to hormone changes, diet, lifestyle, and side effects from medications.

Clay can bind to the toxins in the mouth, including around the teeth and gums, and remove them. This can both be preventive for gum disease or inflammation and can also help to naturally address it.

Bentonite clay is naturally antibacterial which is why it’s commonly seen in natural toothpaste and mouthwash. You don’t have to buy existing products though—you can easily make your own.

Even brushing your teeth with pure clay powder is an effective way of cleansing the mouth.

Swishing with clay in water once or twice daily can help to address gum inflammation and can even work to balance mouth irritations like canker sores, cuts, or burns.

Bottom line: Bentonite clay has numerous health benefits that stem from its ability to bind with toxins, chemicals, and bacteria and remove them from the body. It can be used internally or topically, and is safe for regular use.

 14 Ways to Use Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a completely natural product with few known side effects or complications. Use it in the following ways to boost your health and level up your wellness routine.

Whether it’s for your skin, your mouth, or your digestion, or anything in between, bentonite clay is the kind of staple you’ll always want to have in your medicine cabinet.

  1. Apply clay directly to skin to address conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and rashes. Mix clay and water in a one-to-one ratio to form a paste. Apply to affected areas a few times a day for as long as needed.
  2. Use clay for acne, pimples, or skin blemishes. Apply to the affected area after mixing with water and allow to dry. Gently cleanse with warm water. Use once or twice daily as needed.
  3. Exfoliate the skin by making a facial mask with clay.
  4. Fight wrinkles and saggy skin by using clay masks, which help to boost collagen and increase natural firmness.
  5. Take the sting out of bug bites and stings by applying the area as a poultice.
  6. Address minor burns by applying a clay paste.
  7. Add one-third of a cup of bentonite clay to your bath for a whole-body skin-soothing and nourishing experience. Soak for 30 minutes and moisturize with coconut oil or a similar body oil afterward.
  8. Spread clay paste on your armpits daily for a few weeks to a month to ease the transition from conventional, toxic antiperspirants to natural deodorants, or even to eliminate the need for deodorant altogether. Alternatively, you can use it to make your own deodorant by pairing it with some coconut oil and applying as a deodorant paste. You can even add your preferred essential oils for a scented version.
  9. Gargle clay in your mouth for 30-60 seconds as a detoxifying mouth wash. Spit and rinse afterward. Do not swallow, as the clay will collect toxins from the mouth that you don’t want to ingest. This is especially beneficial for gum disease or gingivitis.
  10. Dip your tooth brush in bentonite clay and use as a natural tooth powder. It is basically tasteless and can help to clean the teeth without harmful ingredients and does not bother sensitive teeth.
  11. Swish daily with bentonite clay in water to help add necessary minerals to the mouth but also to strengthen tooth enamel and boost natural whiteness.
  12. Bentonite clay can be used as a baby powder to cut down on redness, irritation, or infection in the diaper area. Apply the plain powder in the same way that other baby powder works.
  13. Use clay as a natural way to help pets recover from illness, too. It’s safe and can reduce vomiting or diarrhea.
  14. Clay can bind to parasites within the body and help to remove them, although if you have a true parasite its essential to consult a qualified medical practitioner for a proper line of treatment.

How and Where to Purchase Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is available for purchase in most health food stores and online. When choosing a product, make sure that it suits your purposes.

While all clay can be used topically, some of it will be marked that it’s not to be used internally. To ingest clay, make sure to choose a supplemental form of clay that is safe for internal use.

Clay is a grayish or cream color that can sometimes have a greenish hue. If clay appears to be bright white it can be a sign that the product has gone bad and should not be used. Most clay will appear brown, tan, or a medium gray color.

Clay doesn’t have a strong odor and only has a mildly earthy taste.

To determine the dose, follow the instructions on your product, but always start smaller than recommended and work your way up to avoid any unpleasant detox symptoms, which can be more common when first starting to use clay.

9 Reasons to Use Bentonite Clay to Boost Your Health |

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how-to-use-witch-hazel (1)
All posts, Beauty & Skin Care, Natural Living

Wonderful Witch Hazel – The Secret To Glowing Skin

When it comes to medicine cabinet and skincare staples, there are few things I get as enthusiastic about as witch hazel. I just love this stuff!

It’s refreshing, effective, and I look forward to using it everyday in the morning and the night. My skin loves to soak this stuff up for good reason, and I’ve found so many creative uses for it.

It’s gentle enough to use 2-3 times per day, and it keeps my skin hydrated, toned, and acne-free.

Because I love it so much, I want to share a little more about witch hazel with you guys today. We’ll talk about what exactly witch hazel is, some of its beneficial properties, and a few awesome ways to use it.

What is witch hazel?

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Witch hazel or Hamamelis virginiana is a flowering plant with species that grow in North America, China, and Japan. As you can tell, this deciduous shrub is quite beautiful and vibrant!

Not only is this plant a lovely addition to your year-round garden – it’s also a medicinal shrub, and its extract is often used topically as an astringent compound.

It’s quite common to find it as an ingredient in skincare products. In fact, you may have seen it packaged and sold all on its own.

Let’s break it down! The main constituents of witch hazel include calcium oxalate, gallotannins, safrole,  tannins, flavonoids, saponins, choline, gallic acid, and bitters which work together as a powerful skincare tool.

It’s been used for medicinal purposes in Native American culture for many years. Traditionally, the astringent is created by boiling the shrub stems although distillation is necessary for optimal beneficial properties.

The benefits of witch hazel

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For skin health, witch hazel is key. It’s no surprise that it’s been used for centuries as a natural topical remedy.

Because it is anti-bacterial, astringent, antioxidant-rich, and anti-inflammatory, it provides a wide range of relieving treatments for all things skin-related which we’ll talk more about below.

Considering the skin is technically the body’s largest organ, it’s vital to take care of that. Naturally, there are foods and certain nutrients that are great for skin health and some of that work is done from the inside out.

In addition to that, it’s important to consider all that our skin is exposed to daily. In our modern world, there’s a whole lot going on and our tough skin takes the brunt of it.

Instead of adding fuel to the fire with unnatural, additive-ridden skincare products, reducing that toxic load begins in your medicine cabinet.

Witch hazel is gentle, mild, and seldom elicits a reaction, making it safe for most people to use without undesired side effects. Not only does it work to give you that natural glow on the face – it’s also a powerful healing agent for minor abrasions, burns, and even hemorrhoids.

How to use witch hazel

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Everyday toner

Use witch hazel after washing the face and before applying moisturizer as a natural toner. Toner works to pick up any extra dirt on the face and in the pores while smoothing out the pigmentation of the skin.

It also helps keep acne at bay. Simply use a washcloth or cotton ball to gently dab witch hazel on the face, avoiding the eyes. Let dry and apply your favorite moisturizer and/or serum.

Gentle makeup removal

You can simply use witch hazel after a wash to make sure all the makeup is gone if you wear lightweight makeup like a tinted moisturizer or mineral powder.

If you have a heavier face of makeup to remove, DIY your own effective removal concoction. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of witch hazel with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil or softened coconut oil.

Shake it up and use before the two separate. This will prevent an oily face and clogged pores while still effortlessly gliding off even the toughest makeup – just be careful around the eyes, and keep your eyes shut while removing eye makeup.

Acne treatment

Acne is often caused by a buildup of oil throughout the day. If you have particularly oily skin, you know it can be a pain to manage when it’s acting up. Swab witch hazel throughout the day to keep your skin balanced and avoid acne-prone situations.

Witch hazel is particularly effective because it won’t dry out your skin in the process like many other products designed specifically for oily skin.

Relieve itching from bug bites

Summertime is prime time to be outside and enjoy the sunshine! Unfortunately, that also means lots of irritable, itchy bug bites.

Instead of suffering through it, dab a bit of witch hazel on the inflamed areas to speed up the healing process. Witch hazel contains both anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties which will provide immediate relief in addition to reducing swelling.

Reduce ingrown hairs & soothe razor burn

Witch hazel makes a great aftershave product. It will help to clear out any bacteria after a clean shave to prevent painful and unsightly ingrown hairs and other skin infections.

Moreover, it will help soothe any irritation you might have from razor burn, even in sensitive areas. Say goodbye to red, rash-y skin!

Treat hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a huge pain in the butt – no pun intended. As an anti-inflammatory agent, witch hazel is a great way to reduce the uncomfortable pain.

Simply apply to the irritated area after each bowel movement. You can safely use it up to six times per day to prevent further inflammation, bleeding, itching, and burning.

Of course, it’s best to check with your doctor first. Furthermore, make sure to use plain witch hazel as some contain other scents/ingredients that may not be safe for this purpose.

Get rid of dark under eye circles

You don’t want to wear a bad night of sleep all over your face. Those puffy, dark, under-eye circles can be burdensome and take the pep out of your step.

The soothing, anti-inflammatory nature of witch hazel can help you look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in a pinch. Use a cotton ball to swab some beneath the eyes to reduce discoloration and water retention.

Minor skin rashes

For minor instances of redness, irritation, or itchiness, witch hazel can help. It’s safe to use even for diaper rash as it’s a gentle formula suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

It is helpful – especially in this instance – to do a patch test on the skin to assure there is no reaction.

Speed up healing time from minor injuries & wounds

For minor cuts and burns, you can use witch hazel to speed up the healing process. It’s “nature’s Neosporin.” You can use it in place of alcohol to clean out a cut or burn.

It also works well on blisters or bruises.

Use it to reduce appearance of scars

Scars and stretch marks can make us feel rather self-conscious. Over time, they’ll hopefully fade into a lighter color.

Witch hazel application can lighten scars/stretch marks, reducing visibility and making the overall process a bit more efficient. On the same hand, they can also be used to reduce appearance of varicose veins.

Natural deodorant

Because witch hazel is astringent and works to remove excess oil, it can be used as a natural deodorant. Many conventional deodorants contain aluminum which you want to avoid.

You can dab it on with a cotton ball. For those with underarm hair, using witch hazel from a spray bottle will be more effective. If you want to add some fragrance to the mix, simple dilute a drop or two of your favorite essential oils into the mix.

Boom – you’re fresh all day (even in the gym!).

Hair & scalp treatment

Many people have a dry scalp that causes dandruff. Many folks also have a rather oily scalp, burdened by the need to shampoo daily which depletes natural oils from the hair.

Witch hazel can help both conditions with its moisturizing and oil-reducing properties. Mitigate the excess oil and replenish moisture with witch hazel.

Like with oily skin, witch hazel won’t cause dry scalp while doing its job to remove the oil. You can simply add some to your normal shampoo or conditioner, or make your own hair product with it using argan oil, coconut oil, and essential oils.

Additionally, you can use it in-between shampoos to normalize and balance texture.

Treat poison ivy and poison oak

If you got unlucky in the woods, witch hazel is here to the rescue! Poison oak and poison ivy can be excruciatingly painful and irritating.

Use witch hazel for pain relief and to reduce redness while the affected area clears up.

Reduce gum and tooth pain

Witch hazel isn’t just good for topical application. Because it’s anti-inflammatory, witch hazel can be used as a pain-relieving mouthwash.

Swish some around in your mouth if your gums and teeth are sore or irritated. It will help clean out any ulcers or bacteria. For the best results, use after brushing. Make sure not to swallow any witch hazel, and rinse with water after using.

Clear up ear infection

Finally, you can use witch hazel in the ears to reduce wax, treat swimmer’s ear, or help to clear up an infection. Due to its antibacterial properties, it will slow or inhibit the growth of infection entirely, soothing sore ears and helping to lessen the frequency of ear infection.

Simply use an ear dropper or syringe to place a few drops in the ear, or use a cotton swab to clean the outer parts of the ear with it.

Let us know – do you use witch hazel? Are you as in love with this essential skincare product as much as we are? If you’re not already convinced, we hope you learnt more today and that you’ll give it a try.

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