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10 Kitchen Habits Will Help You Lose Weight

There’s the old saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen – not the gym,” and there’s a lot of truth in that. You can work your butt off in the gym and end up getting nowhere – especially when it comes to weight loss – if you’re not paying attention to your nutrition. Eating healthy takes a lot of dedication and preparation, but we’re all about helping you make things easy in the cooking department. That’s why we’ve created a make-ahead meal plan and the 30-day Happy Body Formula program. When you have an outline and rules to follow, you’re simply more inclined to do it by the books.


Whether you find yourself constantly slipping from the routine or just can’t find your groove with a spatula in-hand, these kitchen habits are what we’ve found – ourselves and with our participants – to be the most essential to long-term, sustainable weight loss.

1. Prep your veggies


Food waste can become quite burdensome when you shift over to primarily cooking from scratch. One scenario is that you set the bar too high to complete the task of working through all that fresh food and instead opt for eating out a few times over the course of the week , inevitably eating larger portions and more calorie-dense foods. OR, you find the portions of real food to be a bit large. This is actually a common problem that most people don’t expect. When you’re eating protein and veggies, you can really stack your plate high!

If cooking seems like it just takes too long sometimes and you run out of steam, prepping your veggies is a motivational way to actually get around to eating ’em. Use a spiralizer or food processor to easily “noodle” or “rice” your veggies. Chop vegetables to eat as snacks, or slice and dice them for quick and easy stir-fry or addition to omelettes and salads. This way, you produce is accessible, even if you’re feeling uninspired to eat it. We have to create our own convenience.

2. Clean out the pantry


Perhaps before anything, you should rid the kitchen of temptation. Whether or not you’re confident in your willpower and ability to resist, we all face weak moments when chocolate is the only answer, and right now. Having a bar of dark chocolate for emergency situations is a lot different than a pantry full of snacks for the ‘kids’ that you occasionally dip into. Examine your current habits and cravings, and ditch anything that sets you back.

It’s easier to make healthy choices when we make it easy. If you can’t do a full-on clean sweep, at least remove any temptation from direct vision and clear out the countertops. Modern society and eating standards don’t exactly make saying, “No” a simple task all the time. Considering you have the freedom of choice under your own roof, you should be taking advantage of it. Plus, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ works.

3. Prepare for the snack attack


Meal prep is good and all, but when your snack attack inevitably hits, you need to be prepared. A bare pantry isn’t going to lend itself well to healthy snacking, and you’re going to be much more likely to seek that sweet or salty treat from an outside source. Moreover, it’s likely going to be a convenience food, and food that is convenient isn’t notoriously healthy.

Make yourself some pre-measured bags of nuts/seeds, make sure you have fresh, seasonal fruit on the counter, grab some bars you enjoy (we love RXBAR!), boil eggs in the beginning of the week, stock the fridge with protein-rich foods like deli meats, or get a fat boost with nut butter or your favourite olives. Other favourites of mine include kale chips, pork rinds, and half an avocado with some hot sauce. The key is having options at your disposal and having the right portions of these snacks handy.

4. Get into the habit of measuring food


You might be surprised at what you think is a normal portion versus what is actually a normal portion. Whether or not you’re opting to count calories shouldn’t matter. Being mindful of how much you’re consuming is a good habit to get into for weight loss. Use measuring spoons and measuring cups to your advantage for almost-effortless portion control. If you want to get into it, start weighing out energy-dense foods – fatty cuts of meat, nuts, and oil/dressings, in particular. A food scale can be a fabulous addition to the counter if you use it.

Eventually, you’ll have a better eye for what a normal portion looks and feels like. That way, you can be more intuitive about cooking the right amount of food for your goals, and eyeing up healthy portions while eating out. Many people simply have no idea what a normal portion looks like, especially with restaurants dishing out super stacked plates more and more frequently!

5. Buy freezer-friendly foods


This can take on two habits. First, you can buy food that’s already been frozen. Frozen veggies are often picked at their peak and flash frozen, thus retaining loads of nutrients! They could actually be more nutritious than the fresh veggies, especially if you’re buying at a big-box grocer. This also opens up more options. Many grocery stores will have healthy options like frozen cauliflower rice, already-roasted veggies, spiralized veggies, and more. These make cooking healthy meals a breeze, and you don’t have to worry about food waste.

Another option is to freeze produce yourself. You can easily freeze any fruits you have without much more than slicing and dicing them. If you want to freeze veggies, many can be frozen raw, but it’s good to par-boil them first. Lay everything flat in plastic bags for optimal storage, and label them. You’ll thank yourself later. Having a stocked freezer means you seldom run out of options for a quick, nutritious meal.

6. Batch cook


This is a rule we can get behind. You can really adapt batch cooking to your style. For starters, you can choose the standard style of doing some meal prep once a week. Get in the kitchen for just 3-4 hours with a few recipes in hand and portion them out for easy, grab-and-go meals throughout the week. If you need help starting this habit up, check out our free 7-Day Make Ahead Meal Plan.

Another option is to cook as you go throughout the week, but double or triple (depending on how many people you’re feeding) the recipe so you have lunch for the next day. That way, you’re only cooking once or twice a day, but still eating homemade, nourishing, weight loss-friendly meals three times a day. You do the math – it pays off!

7. Reserve leftovers for leftovers


It’s easy enough to head back to the hot food on the stove when you’re still feeling peckish after dinner, but in reality, you likely haven’t given your food enough time to digest. If you have trouble with going back for seconds or thirds, packing up the leftovers into glass containers (check out our safe storage recommendations) and putting them into the fridge will help you differentiate what’s for dinner now, and what’s for dinner later.

For some people, this could really change the portion control game in a pretty simple way, thus helping you reach your weight loss goals. Plus, it reinforces the whole notion of batch cooking. What good are leftovers if you eat them at dinner? No good if they no longer exist.

8. Eat from smaller dishes


One of the problems we face when we serve ourselves is the plate size. Naturally, we want to fill up the plate. It’s human nature, and it’s what we’ve been taught to do. How many of you are members of the “clean plate club?” Often, it’s ingrained in us that we have to finish every last bite (thanks mum and dad!), but that puts a lot of pressure on us when the plate we’re eating from is large in the first place, and it’s loaded to its edges.

Buy a set of smaller dishes to eat from, and you’ll inherently fill it up with less food. While less food isn’t always better, this is yet another simple way to tap into more mindful eating, getting your portion sizes right, and losing weight. In the case of starches and heavier foods, it can cut back on the amount you’re taking in significantly. It’s still good to measure your food, but consider this a kitchen experiment and see how it goes for you.

9. Make the kitchen a mindful space


Rushing through a meal, scrolling through Instagram as you shovel in food by the forkful, or watching television with dinner on your lap are all big no-no’s if you’re trying to lose weight. When you enjoy eating, pay attention to the flavours and aromas, and focus on how thankful you are for your food, you’re more likely to stop when you’re full and eat more intuitively.

When we’re distracted, our brains aren’t 100% focused on managing our hunger cues which means we’re prone to overeating. When we make this a habit, it really deters us from weight loss and can even contribute to weight gain. Learn more about mindful eating, and start practicing mindful meals with as few distractions as possible. For starters, shut off the TV and leave your phone in the other room. Turn on some music, talk to the company you have, or simply enjoy the peace and quiet.

10. Make smoothie packs


It’s good to have a freezer packed with food, but you want some easy-to-make options in there as well. Making smoothie packs could be the answer. Use some of your favourite fruits, add in some healthy fats from avocado or coconut milk, toss in a handful of greens, and you’re good to go. This makes smoothie blending in the morning simple, and you hardly even have to think about it. That way, you can measure the ingredients ahead of time.

When you blend up, consider adding some collagen peptides or one of our recommended paleo protein powders to make it a complete meal. If you don’t have a blender, it’s time to get one! We recommend the NutriBullet. Take the 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge if you want to experiment with new and exciting ways to get in those nutrients. For those struggling with weight loss, making one liquid meal per day can really help keep hunger in check if you use the right ingredients.

Feel free to comment below with your own kitchen tips that helped get you in shape. What’s your secret? If you liked this article, make sure to share it!


10 Kitchen Habits To Help You Lose Weight

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All posts, Natural Living

20 Mantras to Keep You Motivated

Who doesn’t love a good inspirational quote? Sometimes, you read a few lines that just stick with you. That’s what we hope to give you here today with these mantras. I love finding quotes that resonate with me and writing them down in my bullet journal, tossing them up on a sticky note attached to my mirror, or highlighted in a book. Often, I read a good quote at the right time – just when I need it the most.

Sometimes, these quotes become mantras. A mantra is a little different; to me, it’s something you live by. It’s one of those repeat-worthy thoughts that boil up in your head as soon as the going gets tough. They’re gentle reminders to yourself that this is how I live. Hopefully, you find some motivation and inspiration here.

motivational quotes and mantras

Realising you can choose whether or not to act or react is a big “aha” moment for so many people. Next time something out of your control causes an initial knee-jerk reaction to boil up, think before you act or before you speak. You can respond thoughtfully and mindfully – you have that freedom! (Quote: Buddha)

motivational quotes and mantras

Now that is what I call a mantra! This one is easy to remember with the three C’s. Those three words, repeated over and over and applied to different situations in your life, will carry you though as you embrace choice, chance, and change, both together and as a whole process. (Quote: Unknown)

motivational quotes and mantras

Failure scares everyone. You’re not alone. If failure deterred everyone from trying, nothing would ever get done. None of the most groundbreaking discoveries would be made. People’s dreams would never come true. Doubt is the enemy, and you have two ways around it; embrace doubt and welcome it in, or gently push doubt aside and keep putting one foot in front of the other. (Quote: Suzy Kassem)

motivational quotes and mantras

Think of this life – or simply the hurdle you face – as a mountain. Better yet, think of it as untouched land. Nobody has ever walked this earth before you. Yes, it’s scary to take on the unknown. Remember this, though; you are not alone, and by doing this now, you will inspire others to do the same. Gear up, grab a friend, and put on your brave face. Every step of that journey will be worth it when you reach the summit and look out over the edge. (Quote: Unknown)

motivational quotes and mantras

This is a powerful one for many. The golden rule – “Treat others as you would like to be treated” – isn’t thought of in reverse quite often enough. Think of the way you approach friends, family, and even your children. You do it gently with love and compassion, especially when they are struggling! You have to do the same for yourself. (Quote: Jane Travis)

motivational quotes and mantras

Comparison is the thief of joy. It’s easy to look at other people’s achievements, accomplishments, and experiences and think to yourself, “I’m not enough” in some capacity. It’s even easier to do with social media and a constant stream of someone else’s highlight reel at our fingertips. Working on your own growth and vibrancy is YOUR focus. Don’t let someone else’s success undermine what you’ve already done. (Quote: David Peplinski)

motivational quotes and mantras

Think of each time you’ve felt accomplished. Truly, utterly accomplished. Those times are often accompanied by looking back at where you started and the word “impossible” comes to mind. You have to focus on the outcome, not just the immediate results of your action. The most worthwhile pursuits are never easy, and we often face a lot of setbacks on the path to where we want to go. Just keep going. (Quote: Elon Musk)

motivational quotes and mantras

Life is absolutely full of uncertainty and existential questions. It can feel overwhelming and cause anxiety at times. When those questions get to be too much, harness in on what IS certain, always; you! You can always work on improving yourself even in the face of adversity. You’re the most important project in your life at any given time, so give it a good go. (Quote: Albert Camus)

motivational quotes and mantras

The times in which you feel defeated are the most crucial to your success. Those are the times in which you need the most to push forward. Sure – you can take a step back, you can reevaluate, you can take a break, but don’t accept defeat. By proving to ourselves we can work hard when it feels like we can’t go forward, we build up the strength we need. Show yourself how strong you can be. (Quote: Maya Angelou)

motivational quotes and mantras

There is no better time to start than now. The worst disservice you can to do yourself in the face of your dreams, hopes, and desires is to put them off for another moment. There is always something you can be doing to working towards making that happen. Do it for YOU. (Quote: Napoleon Hill)

motivational quotes and mantras

It’s easy to get discouraged when we don’t feel like we’re at the right place to begin, or we don’t have the resources we have to get started, or that our potential just isn’t great enough. Here’s a secret: IT IS. Use what you have in this moment. Whatever it is, it is enough. (Quote: Arthur Ashe)

motivational quotes and mantras

Courage can be hard to come by and even more difficult to cultivate. When we’re feeling doubtful, anxious, or unprepared, it’s much more difficult for us to show up. Whether that’s in our partner’s life, at our jobs, or just taking up space with our bodies or our words, you have to step foot in the room first. Let yourself be seen – shoulders back, chest out, head high – as you are. (Quote: Brene Brown)

motivational quotes and mantras

What is mastery built upon? Practice does make perfect, so repeating the same tasks over and over will undoubtedly make you better at them. Whether this is an actual skill you’re developing or simply the mastering if your ideal lifestyle and personal development, consistency is key. Change doesn’t happen in a night. Think of all the years you spent out of practice, and remember, to reverse the process can take just as long – if not longer. Don’t let that discourage you from getting whatever it is you’re working on done each day. (Quote: Robin Sharma)

motivational quotes and mantras

Think about everything in your life that has changed. Think about the most beautiful acts of transformation you’ve ever witnessed in yourself, in the people you love, or in nature. Think about this: those acts of change weren’t resisting that change. It’s easy for us to get caught up in what we used to be, what we used to want, and a whole lot of the past in general. Reevaluate. Recognise who you are now. Start in a new place. We have to give up to move on sometimes. (Quote: Cheryl Strayed)

motivational quotes and mantras

In the darkest days of your life, and during your greatest struggles, you will also find the most light shining in. There, you will find your greatest triumphs. Remember this when you’re on top; remember the times you fell. Acknowledge them and appreciate them. The yin and yang of life is always present. Don’t ever doubt your strength. (Quote: Rupi Kaur)

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What if being you was enough? It is. It really, truly is. Maybe it’s a cliche, but you are one of a kind! Nobody else is like you. If you can manage to make some good of that, you’re golden.


Let’s push tough love to the back burner for a moment and give ourselves some permission here. Telling yourself to “stay strong” all the time can feel a bit fake considering it’s not always as simple as it seems to toughen up and face the music. Kick and scream. Throw a fit. Be a child about it. Vent to a friend. Cry and cry and cry. Set aside time to do these things. You can be angry or hurt or discouraged as long as you resolve to ACT instead of react to those emotions. (Quote: Unknown)


When you’re feeling a little dragged down by the monotony of day-to-day life, work, and obligation, remember this: you have choices. Are you making time to feed your soul? What makes YOU happy? It’s out there – go and find it. (Quote: Dele Olanubi)

Mantra and quotes

Remaining true to ourselves is the best gift we can bestow upon our own lives. We can’t follow other people’s orders, or do things at someone else’s pace. You have to seek what you want. Awaken your dreams, wishes, hopes, and desires. Look inside for answers when you can’t find them. You might be surprised. (Quote: Carl Jung)


Be flexible in all that you do. Bend to your OWN wants and wishes rather than bending for someone else’s, which is undoubtedly a more common tactic. Strength comes in our ability to recognise the change in our needs and our paths. Be aware, but be willing to take a new trail when it presents itself. (Quote: Japanese proverb)

We hope you’re feeling inspired and motivated today to take on new challenges and truly live your best life, as your best self. Keep trucking forward. You’ve got this!

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8 Healthy Travel Essentials to Keep Your Routine in Check

Whether you’re soaking up the sun on your summer vacation or you’re escaping the cold down under for a tropical retreat, travel is on the menu for many of us throughout the year. For some people, it’s a big part of what they plan to look forward to, and for some, it’s a more regular occurrence than it is for others. In any case, maintaining a healthy lifestyle while you’re jet-setting can be pretty tough.

There’s a lot of underlying stress during the act of travelling, factors like jet-lag and fatigue to take into consideration, and oftentimes, there’s no kitchen to do your weekly meal prep or cook healthy ingredients from scratch in. Moreover, taking a holiday is a time when we should be enjoying ourselves and letting loose a bit. This means a little cheese, a little wine, and a little bread!


One of the biggest challenges is maintaining a routine. Routines are the backbone of any healthy lifestyle, and travelling compromises our day-to-day eating habits, gym time, sleeping, and overall balance. Fortunately, you don’t have to abandon it all just to have a little fun in a different place. Here are some of my essential items for keeping up good health while travelling, whether you pack ’em in your bag or you pack ’em in your brain.

1. Bullet journal


Everywhere that I go, my bullet journal goes. It’s a tiny little thing, so it easily fits in any bag, purse, backpack, or luggage that I’m toting along. Bullet journaling is a simple concept; instead of writing out long-winded diary entries, you simply use bullet points to organise anything you so desire! Amongst the most useful bullet journal layouts I use while travelling are my habit and mood tracker and my food and exercise tracker.

While my bullet journal won’t tell anyone if I’m eating loads of sugar or not working out, I certainly feel a level of accountability to make it happy. This helps me to see if I’m taking too many rest days in a row, indulging too often, or feeling anxious and tired. When I have all this data, I can help pull myself out of a rut or bad travel eating habits, motivating me to make the best decisions I can.

2. A gym pass


Sure, it sounds like a frivolous expense. If the hotel you’re staying in has a gym, even better! When you’re booking accommodations, look at your options for fitness. Of course, some trips come with built-in exercise; if you love the outdoors as much as I do, then the gym is rather secondary if you’re putting in long hiking days. If you’re touring a big city, you can easily just stick to walking. Otherwise, I like to line up gym access – especially if my trip duration is longer than a week.

Snag a guest pass from a friend if you’re travelling near people you know, or call gyms to see weekly rates. Some gyms will have very inexpensive monthly rates that are worth the daily pump, or you can use ClassPass to find individual classes at fitness studios. This gives you a healthy daily habit to keep your routine strong while you’re away from home. While you can do at-home workouts on vacation, it’s more motivating just to be inside the gym. Plus, you’ll feel better about having that slice of pizza or plate of pasta later!

3. A good probiotic


Gut health is the centre of our body’s health. It impacts everything from digestion to mood, and we want both to remain in good standings – especially during travel! Stress, unhealthy foods, a lack of hydration, sleep changes, and everything else that comes along with a good holiday impacts our gut flora big time. Travel can also wear down the immune system. How many times have you gotten sick mid-trip, or upon returning home? Our bodies just know something is up when we’re away from home for extended periods of time, and we need a little boost to combat the swift change in routine. Think of a probiotic as easy acclamation – it will simply help you better adapt to a new environment.

A quality probiotic can keep the good bacteria in the gut thriving through even the most treacherous conditions. If you’re going to pack ONE supplement, this is it.

4. The Headspace app


Headspace is the easy way to meditate. If you’ve never meditated and you want to get started, I couldn’t recommend it enough. While many people – myself included – enjoy travel, there’s also some anxiety surrounding plans, flights or long drives, and just getting everything together! Meditation is the answer. It’s a great way to calm down, especially on a flight. This can be super helpful for someone who is afraid of flying!

I always download a session ahead of time so as soon as the flight is in the air and I have a few hours to myself, I can zen out for 10-20 minutes. This puts me in a great head space – no pun intended – and rejuvenates me after a long day spent checking baggage, cooped up in an airplane seat. It also gives me a good excuse to find a bit of downtime for myself each day, even if my itinerary is otherwise full. I like to meditate in a nice green space, city park, or while I take a rest during a hike. Download the free app here.

5. Snacks


I’ve made this mistake WAY too many times, but I’ve successfully learnt my lesson. The airport is a tough place for food. While the outrageous prices generally deter me from making any impulse decisions, it’s not smart to hit the airport on an empty stomach. If you’re travelling a long  distance without healthy options, I strongly suggest making a full meal or eating something satiating prior to boarding, but for short to medium-length flights, a few snacks will do! Stress, fatigue, jet-lag, and unexpected happenings like flight delays can all lead to cravings, and the airport has plenty of sweets and junk food to soothe ’em. Don’t give in!

Some of my favourite snacks are Rx Bars which have a nice boost of protein, flavoured seltzer water which keeps me hydrated while curbing my sweet tooth, some mixed nuts, or freeze-dried fruit. For more ideas, check out some of my favourite paleo-friendly protein bars.

6. Rose water spray


Daily hygiene and skincare rituals are a huge part of daily routine, but they tend to get pushed to the wayside when our regular stock of supplies isn’t available to us. Of course, you can invest in travel-sized containers for all of your products, but for me, I like to stick to carry-on luggage with a size limit for liquids. If I had to choose one beauty essential, rose water spray is it. It’s a refreshing way to wake up, clean up, and refresh after a long travel day. It’s good for toning and moisturising the skin, and I can use it on sun burn or bug bites for quick relief, too. I like to use this right after a flight when I’m feeling a bit stuffy and my skin is feeling dry.

7. Water bottle


Okay, okay – we’re getting back to basics here. Still, it’s a crucial carry-on item for me whether I’m taking a walk down the street or flying across the country! Buying water at the airport means waiting in line and spending an absurd amount of money. The tiny cups of water they fill up on-flight aren’t enough to quench my thirst which seems to be exacerbated by travel. I always carry my 32-ounce Nalgene water bottle and fill it up as soon as I make it through security. It’s always empty by the end of my flight. Hydration is key for feeling healthy and happy.

8. Ear plugs & eye mask


You never know where you’re going to be sleeping. At home, we have a lot of control over our sleeping environment including sounds, lights, and overall comfort levels. If you’re staying in a city hotel, you’re going to be fighting off some light and noise pollution. You might be sharing a room with someone who snores. You might just have trouble sleeping away from home. In any case, being armed with some simple, basic, and small tools for a good night’s rest is going to be something you thank yourself for when you’re energised enough to trot around a new location all day.

A good pair of ear plugs to drown out any noise and an eye mask to keep the light out are my go-to sleep luggage. This means I can sleep anywhere, from hotels to the backcountry.


Where are you headed this season, and what’s in your bag? Let us know, and share this with your jet-setting travel partners so your whole crew stays healthy on the go!

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Top 5 Essential Oils For Every Home (Backed By Science)

Whether you’re just starting up with essential oils or you’re looking to expand your collection, there’s a lot to learn! Some oils are great for keeping things clean, while others are fabulous to have handy in the medicine cabinet for when you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

Having a big collection means you’ll have an oil for essentially everything – no pun intended.

It can be intimidating to begin collecting, though, or feeling like you’re getting the most bang for your buck. If you have five essential oils in your house, these are the five you should have… because science.


1. Lemon eucalyptus oil


This study shows that essential oils can be used as a natural bug spray effectively which is great news considering some chemicals like DEET in traditional bug sprays can be very harmful to insects, mammals, and potentially humans – especially the kids.

Using natural plant oils instead poses no threat, and can generally be safely used on children under the age of three.

Finally, you can apply most essential oils directly to skin, whereas bug spray is advised to be used primarily on clothing. Finally, essential oils just smell a lot more pleasant than most bug sprays – right?!

You can learn more about the specific compounds that make this oil work to repel insects here. Lemon eucalyptus, for example, is comprised of 85% citronellal, making it quite an obvious choice for bug repellent!

That’s the same scent as those citronella candles you light on your outdoor patio or deck. The only issue is that its effects tend to wear off rather quickly, so you’ll have to continually apply your bug spray.

Quite a few different oils have similar properties to lemon eucalyptus in effectiveness of repelling insects such as citronella, lemongrass, tea tree, or rosemary. You could use any of the following or a mix of oils in the following recipe.

Homemade insect repellent recipe:

Mix into a spray bottle and use on body and clothes, avoiding eyes to repel insects. Re-apply every hour for ultimate protection. Purchase lemon eucalyptus here.

2. Thyme oil


This is easily one of the best options for using in any homemade cleaning agents. Thyme oil has fabulous antimicrobial properties, so it’s very effective at eliminating germs and bacteria on hard surfaces.

Use this in a kitchen or bathroom cleaner with confidence that it will cut through the harmful stuff!

This science comes down to the constituents of the essential oil being soluble in water, because the antimicrobial and anti-fungal activity are due to their solubility in a specific layer of the cell membranes.

Fun stuff, right? Anyways, this means that thyme oil can ward off unwanted bacteria.

This study even shows its effectiveness against salmonella! Additional research also shows that it’s potent against strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas genera – these include strep throat, urinary tract infections, and the like.

Considering the facts, thyme is fantastic at getting things clean, and this is the must-have household essential oil!

Thyme oil disinfecting cleaning agent recipe:

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup vodka
  • 15 drops thyme oil
  • 15 drops lemon oil (optional – for fresh scent)

Mix in a spray bottle and use as you would any other multi-purpose, multi-surface household cleaner! Purchase thyme oil here

3. Cinnamon bark oil


Cinnamon bark is particularly useful for respiratory problems including chronic bronchitis. If you feel yourself coming down with a cough, some cinnamon bark oil could help alleviate the symptoms.

Better yet, inhaling essential oils through a diffuser means the positive effects and benefits can work quickly. This study explains that the vapors of the oil are an effective ‘chemotherapy’ against respiratory tract mycoses such as fungus that causes black mould, ABPA – an allergic reaction that inflames the lungs, common with cystic fibrosis or asthma, strep throat, and more.

It works essentially as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Overall, you can use cinnamon oil to alleviate any respiratory symptoms whether it’s mucous buildup or you’re trying to clear up a stuffy nose. You can simply add a few drops to hot water with some honey in it if you’re treating a sore throat. Purchase cinnamon bark here.

4. Lavender oil


Lavender is commonly known as a relaxation agent. It’s used for stress relief and most often, to promote better sleep. All the hype is true. This lovely-smelling plant produces an oil with big benefits if you have trouble relaxing or getting a restful night of sleep.

Lavender oil’s main constituents –  linalool and linalyl acetate – are thought to be what induces a more relaxed state of being. In this study done with mice, lavender oil decreased motility in the mice. Thus, it could potentially have effects reminiscent of muscle relaxers without all the side effects.

Considering the evidence, we know that lavender can calm both the body and the mind, making it a safe and natural sleep supplement. Lavender oil has also been studied as a component of lower back pain relief, in conjunction with acupressure.

You can diffuse lavender oil before you go to bed at night, or use it in a relaxing bath. You could rub it on the wrists or temples, or use it on your bedding and pillows to promote relaxation as soon as you hit the sheets. Purchase lavender essential oil here.

5. Lemon oil

lemon-essential-oil uses

Lemon oil is undoubtedly one of the most versatile essential oils. It can be used in place of fresh lemon in water or other recipes, or you can add it to homemade cleaning products for a fresh lemon scent plus some antimicrobial action.

We love it for healthy, natural, DIY skin care though. Lemon oil’s constituents have compelling anti-inflammatory properties according to research, which can help address many types of skin inflammation from acne to rosacea.

It’s also a natural wound-healer. You can use lemon oil on cuts, burns, or sunburn to reduce swelling and decrease healing time. This is one for the first aid kit!

Purchase lemon oil here.

What essential oils do you use the most often? Let us know in the comments below, and share this with friends who could use some tips on how to get started, or which oils to stock up on! 


Top 5 Essential Oils For Every Household (with Science Behind Them!)

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10 Steps to Effective Planning and Fighting Procrastination

Are you a procrastinator? Raise. Your. Hands. Let me see ’em! Believe me – I can relate. If you’ve spent enough time putting off big tasks for later, you’ve probably also spent a considerable amount of time searching for the magic key to boundless productivity, motivation and discipline.

If you’ve come here on just that mission, I’m going to warn you that I don’t have the answer. I’m also going to ask that if you find it, to please send it my way.


However, there are ways to combat procrastination and nip it in the bud. The technique is simple, accessible, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming.

Maybe you’re already used to writing things down in your planner or calendar, but you still find yourself having trouble focusing on tasks and goals. If you’re too busy with no time to spare, you’re likely standing in your own way.

After all, I should remind you that it does take time to procrastinate in the first place!

1. Set aside the time to plan


This step is first and foremost, and you cannot skip it. I would highly recommend not putting this one off or going at it with low effort. This hour of your day determines so much about the next seven days.

The process is WORTH IT. Schedule it somewhere into your weekend, or at the very latest, do it on Monday morning. This process should be mindful and somewhat enjoyable.

Choose a format that resonates with you, or the one you’re most likely to use. I personally use a handwritten calendar in conjunction with many online organization tools for my work. Your method should suit you, your tasks, your work and your lifestyle!

Using a calendar on the computer or phone can be helpful to those who have many repeated events because drag and drop is a breeze.

Some people are more likely to follow through with actual checklists and the ability to physically mark the tasks done. Some people like a little bit of both.

If you come back to it each week and you pay it some mind each day, it’s probably working. Stick with it. If you tend to neglect your schedule, perhaps it’s time to try a new strategy.

2. Choose an appropriate level of detail


Planning should take into account your individual needs. Sure, these pretty planners and all of these meticulously organized bullet journalers on Instagram have a color code and a Washi tape for everything, but if it’s just not your jam, or it intimidates you too much to keep up with using your preferred method of planning consistently, forget about it.

Determine the level of detail that keeps you motivated, sufficiently methodized and tabulated and routinely crossing things off the list.

Take a few things into consideration: do you need to plan by the hour or by the day? Will you do better with a weekly calendar broken down into individual days, or do you just need one?

Do you need to write down specific objectives or big ideas? Will you use a digital format, or will you opt for pen and paper? Then, get into smaller details: do you prefer a template like the Panda Planner, or do you prefer to build your own?

Will you benefit from using a color code, or do you keep it simple with black and white? Think about what speaks to you the most.

3. Embrace flexibility


Flexibility is something to be welcomed in both your planning technique and your plan. It gives us room to breathe, first and foremost, and helps us scale back on black and white “perfectionist” thinking.

If life always went according to plan, we probably wouldn’t have to plan so hard in the first place. Besides, what fun would that be? Leave room for error, running out of time and good old-fashioned spontaneous fun.

4. Work backwards


Match your time to your work rather than fixing work to your time. There’s only so much time in the day, and you should be setting healthy boundaries anyways! Prioritize your calendar over your to-do list.

Repeat it to yourself: there is only so much time in the day. Twenty-four short hours to be exact, and during some of those, you should very well be asleep.

Quit overbooking, and you won’t find quite as many reasons to procrastinate because a) you won’t be overwhelmed and b) you won’t have a huge overflow each week from tasks you didn’t get to.

5. Start un-planning


To elaborate a bit on working backwards and how effective it can be, un-planning takes a similar approach to planning. Sounds like an oxymoron – right?

Un-planning consists of scheduling into your calendar or journal all of the things you have to do outside of work, personal development, hobbies or whatever else you make space for.

Think about the time it takes you to feed or bathe the kids, walk the dog, make coffee and breakfast and whatever other mundane, default activities you are obliged to for one reason or another.

You’ll see that despite our best efforts, we have non-negotiables to tend to that carve into our “productive” time. By losing that time living life, we set up unrealistic expectations (more on that later), end up “late,” and perpetuate that procrastination mind because *gasp* we’re already behind!

Instead, just take some time to pencil in the moments when you can’t be tending to your schedule. This is especially useful for those who work remotely because starting time isn’t always the FIRST thing we’re able to do.

6. Schedule beyond tasks


While un-planning takes care of the mundane for us – or rather, we accept it for what it is – scheduling beyond tasks helps us to take good care of ourselves. It drives home the idea that self-care is just as important to prioritize as that big work project or whatever deadline is looming over our heads.

This will also look different for everyone, but without placing precedence on things like a certain amount of sleep each night, time to cook healthy food, meditation, exercise and social interactions, we’re going to feel FAR less motivated to tackle those not-so-fun to-do tasks!

It’s vital to create space for fulfilling routines. Procrastination is driven by the idea that we don’t have time, so creating personal time can feel really difficult for some when in fact, it could be the solution to having more time.

When we feel fulfilled, refreshed and energized by meeting our basic human needs which include the occasional bubble bath, day trip and friendly potluck, our creative forces are sparked and our energy is higher, ultimately granting us with a will to be more productive – and happily so!

Include in your planner a focus on your values, beliefs and toss in some inspiration here and there.

7. Be realistic


Nothing will make you feel like you’re not pulling your weight and being productive than over planning. You know yourself better than anyone else, and to some extent, you’re in control of your schedule.

First and foremost, think of what doesn’t work! Come back to the amount of time you DO have and work with it. Make friends with it. Shake its hand and give it a hug. Respect it and plan accordingly.

Being overbooked not only presents us with logistical problems, but it also creates more problems the more often we indulge it. We feel obligated to do x, y and z, and it drives home that FOMO or fear of missing out.

We’re less inclined to say NO even when we need to. We end up with heavy duty overflow each week, and we end up behind and feeling like catching up is an impossibility. If we’re realistic, we can avoid the guilt and once again, perpetuating procrastination.

8. Don’t forget to check in


Sometimes, I’m in the middle of a work day and I remember that my planner even exists. It’s a feeling I quite like, because I can head back into the schedule and check stuff off the list.

If I was that distracted, I’ve probably made some serious progress! It’s good to continually check in. My usual routine involves my planner open to its most relevant page – whether it’s my daily checklist or my current project brainstorm – for quick and easy reference.

It helps me to maintain focus and stay motivated. Think of it as your personal accountability coach. If it were a real person, it might be concerned if it didn’t hear from you for awhile! Don’t wing it – use your resources wisely.

Besides, sometimes, we start getting dragged down. Occasionally doing a mind dump – where you sort of shift priority, let go of some brain clutter and readjust – can be incredibly helpful and just the push you need to keep it happy, healthy and productive.

9. Make it fun!


My planner isn’t an all work and no play kind of deal. Of course, how much “fun” you inject into the mix is going to depend on how much it might distract you, but once again – the plan shouldn’t be 100% task-oriented.

Create space to write down personal goals both long-term and short term. For example, my journal includes a habit tracker to mark off my meditations and exercises each day.

I also use a reading progress tracker in mine so I’m more motivated to make space to read for both pleasure and personal development. Finally, I enjoy supplementing my to-do lists with more obtuse goals so that my work doesn’t lose meaning or feel monotonous.

If your planner is fun, you’re going to like it more. The more you like something, the more you’re going to do to make it happy. That’s what love is all about, right?

It’s okay to have a *minor* love affair with your calendar. Another good way to make planning interesting is to use fun, colored pens, highlighters and stickers to add your own flair to your routine.

10. Don’t leave home without your plan


This is why I would generally recommend a small planner like the Moleskine I use because it fits in my backpack, my purse and even many of my pockets. Without a plan, you’re merely hoping.

There’s no better time to lose focus than when you’re out and about, traveling or just always on the go! While it’s helpful to unplug sometimes, I personally like to make sure my basic self-care needs are met even if I’m breaking from work and to-do lists.

If you tote your planner around, you can always maintain that feeling of calm and control. It’s a good one.

Let me ask you – what is YOUR number one tip for reducing procrastination and staying organized by planning? Share your ideas and tips with us below, and share this article if you found it helpful! Happy planning.

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12 Steps to Joy – The Top Habits of Happy People

Smile! We’re talking about joy today, and mastering the art. When it comes down to it, there really isn’t an art.

Happiness looks different for people all over the place, and there isn’t some key that unlocks the door to a palace of pure bliss where everything is always rainbows and butterflies.

I’m certain I don’t have to explain that to you. Fortunately, if we want to turn happiness into something of a science, we can deduce a few habits of truly happy people as roughly the same across the boards.


Ask yourself: “Am I happy?” It’s a vague term with a lot of room for interpretation, but I encourage you to take a few moments to contemplate where your happiness lies and moreover if you’re indulging that enough.

Are you creating space to let joy in? We inherently set limits for ourselves, and we hold out on the daily practices that increase our fulfillment, our gratitude and our overall good spirit.

In fact, there are some key things that also tend to universally hold us back from unleashing our true happiness.

These habits don’t need to be put into force at full-speed and altogether, but just adding some mindfulness to your ethos can make a huge difference in where you find bliss and how much of it that you take away, hold on to and give back to others.

1. Get grateful


More importantly, make it a point to stay grateful. Gratitude is a simple practice, and all it takes is a moment each day to reflect on what you feel appreciative for.

In the big picture, it offers us perspective and allows us to make room for positive thinking. We can master the ability to focus on what’s good in our lives rather than dwelling on what isn’t going right.

Perhaps even more importantly, it gives us a new frame of reference on our past experience so that we can see the good outcomes of what we’ve struggled with and place value on to those things we’d otherwise feel resentful towards.

My favorite ways to practice gratitude include gratitude journaling and meditations focused on loving-kindness or thankfulness.

2. Move past the past


The past holds us down more than we realize. Our past experience establishes habit patterns in us which can even become addictive.

Our past relationships determine our current relationships if we’re still holding on to old grudges. Moreover, they can present us with big trust issues which harden us enough to impact the depth of our relationships with ourselves and others.

All of these things prevent us from tapping into happiness at its fullest. If you’re harboring anything that looks like anger, resentment, or unresolved pain, it’s time to work through it.

Dismantle habits that are so ingrained in you that you’ve stopped even giving yourself the choice to say yes or no.

One of the best tips? Realize that making amends does not necessarily require the other party, even if that party is an actual person.

Coming to terms with your gripes can be done on your own, and forgiveness can happen individually if that person is unwilling to participate or cooperate. Remember that if you’re trying to tie up loose ends with an ex, an old friend or a toxic family member.

3. Avoid gossip


It’s tempting, but it’s incredibly unrewarding and has some serious negative side effects. Happy people don’t find joy in talking down on others. In fact, it probably tends to bring them down.

Here’s a classic quote to sum things up: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Increase the meaning of your conversations!

Talking about other people doesn’t connect us to the people we interact with. Rather, it drives us apart further. More meaningful conversations will help us help ourselves, help others and learn more about the world around us!

It will help us to grow. When we get caught up in gossip and small talk, we never feel that social fullness that offers us contentment and gratification, plus deeper relationships overall.

If I’m in a group of people who are gosipping, I try to change the topic of conversation to something we can all easily talk about, or something funny and lighthearted instead of participating.

If I don’t succeed, I simply remove myself from the conversation! Like I said, gossip can be tempting. Rise above it.

4. Socialise (and prioritise it!)


If socialization feels like a frivolous expense of sorts to you, think again. Happy people have close friends and they speak with them often.

Happy people also tend to find themselves engaged in working groups, involved in the process of giving their time and energy towards a cause alongside a team. Volunteering is, after all, a key factor in longevity!

Having friends who we feel deeply, truly connected to is important to overall fulfillment, and getting to do that often enough is important. It’s fantastic to have one-on-one time as well as group gatherings.

Find people who can bridge the gap between silly conversation and intellectual conversation because laughing is the best medicine!

My friend group gets together 1-4 times per week for different reasons. Sometimes, it’s for community organization and “work,” while other times, it’s just for a potluck and board games.

Try organizing themed nights that tend to work for your friend group week after week, and use Facebook to create events where you can invite people – that way, they won’t forget! We know people get busy.

Lastly, if you’ve made big moves in your life or have friends and family far away, aim to use Skype or Facetime more often. It really helps the distance.

5. Quiet time and deep breaths


Sound familiar? I’m talking about meditation. I’ve touched on why meditation is so fantastic for numerous reasons on this blog, and there’s no doubt that happiness is one of the most convincing.

While meditation can be hard to “master,” letting go of the need to be perfect with it and just doing it every day can bring on the true joy you had no idea existed within you.

Deep breaths, quiet space and a platform to just accept and watch your thoughts come and go helps the individual to come to terms with what’s bothering them, background stressors and actual, physical surroundings instead of trying to control thoughts, push them away or become reactive to them.

My tip? Prioritize meditation. Put it in your planner, on your calendar or set an alarm. It should be as important as eating breakfast or brushing your teeth, and it’s easy to push to the wayside.

The happy benefits are too good to pass up, so don’t! Everyone has ten minutes per day to spare.

6. Sweat it out


Exercise is actually proven to make you happy. Runner’s high, anybody? It works, and you don’t need a whole lot of it to reap the benefits at all.

Many people exercise towards aesthetic goals, but keeping in mind that running, lifting, yoga, swimming or anything you really like to do will offer you a little break in the day for just you while releasing some happy chemicals in the brain is enough reason to keep hitting the gym, the mat or the trail.

See? It’s really for everyone, and we can all find a little way to sweat it out that brings a smile to our face.

My tip to you is to keep it interesting. Some days, running does not make me happy even though I know it will later. I find a balance, instead!

A walk can boost endorphins too, and you don’t need to carve out a whole hour in the gym to reap the benefits of that. 20 minutes can take your mood from a 7 to a 10, no problem. Our 30-day squat challenge might be a good place to start. Full disclosure: it BURNS.

7. Catch some real zzz’s


You don’t like yourself when you’re sleepy, and most other people probably don’t either. It’s hard to be happy when you can’t keep your eyes open.

We end up grumpy, treating people and ourselves worse and going through life putting forth a tad bit less effort because… well, it’s hard to go hard when you’re exhausted.

Moreover, it impacts our decisions and tears at our willpower, meaning we’re more likely to feel less inhibited to make good choices. Hello, snoozy sugar cravings! It might seem obvious, but if you’re doing everything right and you’re still dragging a bit, perhaps your sleep is suffering.

It’s a matter of quality and quantity, so it’s worth patching up the rough spots. Happy people’s favorite time of day is bedtime – but don’t quote me on that.

If you need any help catching up or feeling enthusiastic about sprucing up your sleep pattern, check out our free 7-day sleep challenge which is loaded with helpful and actionable resources!

8. Love yourself!


I hardly want to dig this cliche into anyone’s head today, but in order to love anyone else – or your job, the place you live, your art or your hobbies – you’ve gotta love yourself first!

Think back to a time when you were really down on your luck. Think of a time in which you blamed yourself for x, y and z even if those things had nothing to do with you. Think back to a time when you put ideas in your head because of your own inability to love yourself.

Can you remember how difficult it was to create space to let anything else in, let alone passion, affection and unconditional love for something or someone else? It’s quite the impossibility.

Love for yourself will wax and wane, but keeping it intact and practizing methods of self-care to cultivate love and compassion for YOU are such important habits to practice daily for happiness.

9. Grow your mindset


Adapting to a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset is a necessary part of keeping your happiness levels consistent and consistently growing – hence the name.

A fixed mindset allows us to grow complacent and ambivalent about it; we are where we are, and we may as well be happy there because where else is there to go? UP! That’s where!

It’s okay to sit back and relax sometimes, but generally speaking, we should always be seeking ways to improve ourselves. Humans aren’t designed to reach a point in which they’ve completed the process.

We are constantly growing and changing, and we have to be receptive to what that means. What can help you move forward? If you’re stuck, get unstuck. If you don’t like where you are, move. If you’re unhappy, get happy.

I personally like to keep tabs on my progress by writing a lot and bullet journaling, which offers me some perspective I wouldn’t have otherwise.

It can help me see how far I’ve come, and where I might like to adjust now. Beyond setting long-term goals and working towards them with short-term objectives, setting long-term goals and working towards them with short-term objectives, it’s all about taking inventory and seeing what you have more or less of now.

This is bound to change, and we have to recognize that in order to also change.

10. Be honest


Liar, liar, pants on fire… and who the heck is happy when they’re on fire? Nobody, and especially if the pants you were wearing were pants you really liked.

Beyond the sea of flames, lying tears away at our integrity, our relationships and other people’s ability to trust us. It never quite goes away, either. Many lies will turn into multiple lies over time, or grow in size the longer they extend.

It becomes a matter of keeping up appearance which is a pain. Being authentic requires us to also be truthful, noble, vulnerable and real. It helps us to establish a healthy relationship with ourselves and our own dialogue, which inevitably gets muddled  – especially in the day and age of sharing on social media.

Keep it genuine and watch your joy blossom. Truth brings us peace, acceptance and transformation.

Here’s a quote I really love that touches more on acceptance: “More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.” Owning up to our experience whether it is good or bad has amazing benefits for our wellbeing!

11. Say what you think – if it’s nice!


This is a simple and effective one. Happy people are the ones telling you that you look nice today, or that your work is really well done. If you have something nice to say, just say it.

We don’t go around just telling people what’s so awesome about them enough. You’re going to make someone’s day, and knowing that is going to make your day. It’s a simple equation.

This also extends to taking opportunities to help other people. If you can make a difference, it goes without saying that actions speak louder than words (and might even make us happier!).

12. Positive thinking


Think happy thoughts! Positive thinking works for obvious reasons. It allows us to turn negative thoughts into happy ones, generally approach things with a more optimistic outlook and see value in things we would otherwise deem worthless.

It helps us to cultivate compassion for ourselves and the people around us while also becoming solution-oriented. It’s a good sign of emotional intelligence and maturity which generally increases our ability to tolerate stress and conflict.

My number one tip for becoming a positive thinker would be to meditate regularly. That’s basically what it’s made for, or it certainly makes it easier to do! Once you make it a habit, it becomes quite second nature.

I hope you found a little smile in this article. Let’s hear from you – what’s YOUR key habit to happiness? Share this with someone who could use a boost. Share this article on Pinterest from here.

12 Steps To Joy - The Top Habits Of Happy People

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10 Powerful Self-Care Techniques to Practice Daily

Self-care is no longer an elusive topic. In fact, it’s becoming more and more widely known as a non-negotiable for healthy living.

After all, who can make healthy decisions day after day when they’re worn thin and run dry by day-to-day life without any breaks?

Some people – busy bees, workaholics and hard-working mums, students and everything in between – are so accustomed to putting forth all the effort all the time that self-care feels flat-out indulgent.

Let me assure you that it’s not; it’s healthy, necessary and doesn’t even need to be time-consuming!


Self-care is not selfish, so as soon as we can move past that together and feel good about designating some time for JUST us each day (yes – every single day!), we’ve mastered the first step.

Self-care is a means of conservation, preservation and protection. Just like the environment, our cars and our houses, we need some upkeep to be fully functional and healthy over time.

Believe me, I know this is a tough one, but I hope that resonates with you!

Another important thing to remember is that self-care is important for every individual. Just because your job isn’t high-stress or you don’t experience anxiety regularly doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some pampering.

People with more taxing daily lives will benefit greatly from a daily self-care routine, but there are few people who won’t see positive changes in having some time to sit back and relax.

The basics of establishing a routine


Before we get into how you can customize your routine with ten of my favorite ways to show myself a little love daily, I want to talk about how to establish a routine.

Like any healthy habit, it can be difficult to start up and stay motivated. Self-care should generally set a positive tone for the day, or centre you when you need it the most. Being diligent does pay off.

While self-care is generally comprised of things we look forward to, we love to make excuses! In this case, “too busy” comes to mind, so how do we fight back and prioritize self-care?

Here are a few tips that I’ve used:

  • Make it the first thing you do. I can’t tell you how tough this one is because as soon as I get out of bed, I want to do nothing and everything at the same time. That’s why doing my self-care routine works. It helps me to wake up gently, slowly and happily instead of groggily, and it also helps me avoid that panic that ensues when I start thinking about everything I need to do for the day. Instead, I come out of my routine with a nice clear head, naturally energised for the day ahead.
  • Make yourself accountable. I use my bullet journal to keep accountable. I create a habit tracker each week or month – some get their own page! – to check off days I implement certain self-care practices. Two of my habits that always make it into my weekly spread are meditation and light therapy, as I aim for seven days per week no matter what.
  • Make it easy. Self-care shouldn’t feel like a chore. In fact, it should feel like quite the opposite. Make parts of your self-care routine feel effortless to you. I make sure my desk is set up for meditation in the morning simply by making sure my computer doesn’t get left open overnight, as it tempts me to first check my email when I sit down! Prepare your space, gather your favourite self-care products and make sure you have room to breathe… literally!
  • Don’t cut corners. Give yourself enough time to complete your routine so that it truly benefits you, and so that it feels restorative. Rushing your routine is incredibly counterproductive. I highly recommend at least beginning with 20 designated minutes of self-care per day, but I encourage more than that if you can swing it, 30-60 minutes being ideal.

1. Meditation


I know, it’s probably one of the most obvious self-care mechanisms. Beyond that, it’s one of those things people always ask if you’ve tried if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or dealing with anxiety or depression.

I’m just going to point out that there are plenty of good reasons why there’s so much emphasis on meditation. The benefits of doing meditation consistently – even if just for ten minutes per day – are profound in stress levels and literally changing our brain chemistry to become more relaxed, resilient and mindful.

It increases our capacity to problem solve and focus. A strong practice can even reduce symptoms in people with chronic pain. If that’s not powerful, I don’t know what is!

I found it easiest to get started and continue to feel motivated each morning with the app called Headspace. It helps you keep track of your streak, and you want to see it keep rising!

You’ll begin with 10-minute meditations (tell me you don’t have time for that!), which help you to understand it’s not about not thinking, but more about mastering your thoughts and accepting them.

There are many styles of meditation that address different needs, and Headspace has a huge variety of which to choose once you complete your ten introduction meditations.

Extensions of meditation: Deep and intentional breaths throughout the day, practising truly mindful meals, loving-kindness meditation (my personal favourite).

2. Take a soak


Here’s another quintessential self-care technique, but I swear by it. If you have a bathtub, you’ve gotta utilize it! Beyond the act of soaking in a hot bath is the ritual that begins with simply drawing the bath.

Taking time to watch the tub fill up and bringing out some of my favorite aromas to toss into my water really helps me to begin winding down and take advantage of the process.

I don’t like to begin my day with a bath as it can be too relaxing, but it is often a part of my bedtime routine.

Taking a bath 1-2 hours prior to bed with Epsom salts to boost my magnesium, calm down my brain and body and just focus on a book or a podcast shifts my mind into zen mode and snap out of work mode.

Even if I bring technology into the bath tub for listening purposes, it’s strictly a no-work, no-stress zone.

Bathtime bonuses: A glass of wine in the tub, a hot cup of herbal tea in the tub (I love warming blends like Bengal Spice), using lavender oil post-soak, sprucing it up with a pretty bath bomb.

3. Tech-free times


This one is amongst the most difficult to do, but it’s also one of the most effective. Doing a full-on digital detox is a huge act of self-care, and going for a tech-free day or weekend can work wonders.

I know that’s not the most feasible thing for most people, and I want these practices to feel accessible above all, so I’m just asking you to consider a block of time in which going tech-free is feasible for you.

You could even just double up on meditation and consider that your tech-free time.

I highly recommend this time first thing in the morning and right before bed. Our phones have no place in our beds, and waking up to our surroundings is far healthier for our brains than immediately wiring into our social media, text messages and breaking news – it adds a huge sense of urgency to our lives that give our brains way too much stimulation at once when we need less.

It’s good to avoid blue light for quality of sleep anyways, so opt for books and amber lighting before you snooze.

Optimize your unplug: Journal, meditate or even take a nap instead. Workout, walk or hike without your phone or headphones. Sleep with your phone in a separate room.

Set a time when the day goes “tech-free,” i.e. “No electronics after 8 p.m.”

4. At-home spa treatment


There are loads of ways to get your DIY beauty on at home with cheap, daily “spa” treatment. Just locking in a solid beauty routine is a big effort of self-care that I can start with first thing in the morning.

I love just washing my face as soon as I get out of bed, and bringing in some essential oils to my skin as I moisturize. It’s a dose of nourishment for my skin from natural ingredients plus some aromatherapy to wake up my senses.

Here are some of my favourite DIY ideas and product suggestions for you to get started. Pick and choose, mix and match or just stick to something simple that makes you feel truly pampered.

Step up your spa game: Schedule an actual day at the spa for a splurge.

5. Fresh air and sunshine


That’s the equation. Add some movement into the mix, and you’ve got the ultimate act of self-love and self-care, at least if you ask me!

I love the outdoors, and I love to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of getting enough time outside. This one can be tough depending on the climate you live in, the season and your time constraints.

I aim to spend time outside each day, but I organize 2-3 days per week in which I’m able to spend extended periods of time (2-6 hours) outside at a time.

It doesn’t take much to see benefits, though. I recently discovered the Japanese concept of forest bathing which is meant to be brief!

Quality air, greenery, the sunshine and subsequent vitamin D absorption, and the bonus effort of running, walking, biking, hiking or getting physical in the outdoors can be incredibly therapeutic. It’s great for stress relief, fitness, endorphin release and energy levels.

Nothing helps me reset more when I’m feeling frazzled or confused than stepping outside, whether it’s for five minutes or a whole weekend.

Up your outdoors cred: Meditate, stretch or do yoga outdoors. Try grounding by simply going outdoors barefoot. Plan a camping or backpacking trip to increase your outdoor exposure when you have time for some extended self-care.

6. Write it out


True story: my bullet journal is my lifeline. Here is where I write out my to-do lists, my goals, my thoughts and feelings, my gratitudes and track my habits.

It has made a massive difference in my stress levels, productivity levels, organization, mindfulness, discipline and quality of life overall.

I know it’s simple, but just writing in it once or twice a day to keep up with my objectives and take note of what’s important to me is powerful stuff. There are plenty of proven benefits of journaling, and you don’t have to put any pressure on how much you write or what you write.

If you just get started, you’ll figure out your individual style. I love my Moleskine journal and my Color Luxe pens. These are what got me started, and they are also what keep me going!

Journal ideas to get you started:

  • 3-10 things I am grateful for today
  • 10 things I like about me (or someone else) to build on loving-kindness meditation
  • Weekly or monthly calendars/to-do lists
  • Book reading or travel bucket lists
  • Budget sheets to track spending
  • Food, sleep and/or exercise logs
  • Habit tracker (mine includes meditation, light therapy, running, etc.)

7. Make time for your passion project


Our to-do lists end up dominated by our need to-do tasks, work-related stuff and a bunch of unpleasant errands that we don’t exactly look forward to.

Instead of settling for it, put some stuff on your planner that sparks your passion! It doesn’t need to be a project or a big career change. You don’t need to sink money into an obscure hobby.

Just think of what you’ve always wanted to do, or a hobby you haven’t carved out time for lately and pencil it on in. Go on – don’t be shy!

Photography, language-learning, musical instruments, athletic training, outdoor activities, knitting or blogging… what’s calling you?

Setting aside even an hour a day can a) get you far and b) won’t break the time bank. It is SO difficult for me to think that my hobby could come before what I actually NEED to be doing, but it’s great when I realize how important that is to my overall wellbeing, and I know carving out time for my hobbies makes me more productive in all of my other tasks!

8. Splurge some


There’s a quote from an old show called Twin Peaks that I come back to when I need a reminder of why I’m practizing self-care or trying to find a reason to splurge or indulge in some way.

It reads, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it. Don’t wait for it. Just let it happen.

It could be a new shirt at the men’s store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.”

Your splurge doesn’t even need to cost money. Your splurge could be implementing your self-care routine in the first place.

I love those little afternoon pick-me-ups that feel simple but indulgent at the same time, like a cup of hot tea with cream or a piece of dark chocolate, or perhaps a walk to the secondhand shop to find a new decoration or piece of clothing to admire.

It doesn’t have to be costly or time-consuming. It’s best to truly just let it happen. I tend to gift myself during the afternoon when I’m prone to feeling stressed or fatigued.

9. Connect with people


I see this one get brushed aside sometimes for the sake of time, but if you’re going to make anything a priority, this is it. I know, I know – I’ve said that about a lot on this list, but consider this amongst the most important.

Besides, it’s generally simple enough to do, especially if you live with people. Simply deepening the connection with your partner, children or housemates with intention by talking about more complex topics, organizing outings, meals or games with one another or designating undivided time with them each day can bring a lot of positive stress relief, laughs and an opportunity to be involved in someone else’s world for a moment.

Plus, it gives you a moment to vent or talk about your problems which is inherently therapeutic.

Even just chatting up people while out – like your barista or butcher – can feel really luxurious. If you’re so accustomed to going through the day without much meaningful connection, aim to change that little by little.

This is one of those daily efforts that’s become very commonplace to me, but it’s probably the one I look forward to the most. Much like my “splurges,” I like to let these just happen! Prioritizing good conversation feels like eating chocolate cake in a social way… it’s rich!

10. Do nothing at all


Need I say more? This stuff works. Lay in bed, take a nap, sit outside and lounge for awhile. The trick? Set a timer. Don’t let your snooze turn into a three-hour affair, and don’t get couch locked for too long.

I aim for 20 minutes but sometimes allow for up to an hour, depending on how much restoration I’m seeking.

What does your self-care routine look like? How many of these are on your to-do list each day? Did I miss any? Share some insight into how you unwind and relax every day! I hope you enjoyed the tips here and found some valuable ideas to show yourself a little love.

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All posts, Natural Living

5 DIY Household Cleaning Products

Who loves cleaning? Okay, maybe I’m alone in that, but I’m sure there are some other neat freaks and DIY gurus out there who can get on board with nerding out on natural cleaning products.

Whether or not cleaning piques your enthusiasm, there’s no denying it’s a necessary part – or necessary evil – of life, and we’re not going to get out of doing it.

With that said, it’s time to take a healthier approach!


If you’re versed in clean eating, you know the importance of reading your labels. Cleaning products and household supplies hold the same rule, but it gets a little bit more difficult.

Like with food, marketers have found creative ways to make you think their cleaning product is organic and all-natural, but it’s much more difficult to identify ingredients as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’

Besides; many cleaning products aren’t required to disclose exactly what’s going inside, and that’s what counts. We’re out in the aisles of our grocery store judging a book by its cover and hoping for the best. I think we can do better.

Moreover, these products are expensive, and the ingredients? They’re pretty cheap. Instead of buying something you aren’t even sure of, we’re sharing some of our favorite staple recipes to make at home for pennies on the dollar.

Keeping your house neat, tidy and non-toxic has never been easier or more economical.

DIY laundry detergent

Photo: Organize With Sandy

Laundry soap is something we should pay extra attention to. In the end, we’re wearing and sleeping on the chemicals in our laundry detergent! It’s not required for detergent labels to contain all of the ingredients, so you end up with a big bottle of “fresh air” scented, alarmingly blue mystery juice… and it’s supposed to clean your clothes.

You’re basically getting a mix of petrochemicals and synthetic fragrances – even with unscented varieties. Some of the chemicals found in detergents, fabric softeners and dryer sheets are designed to stick in your clothes, so there are residual chemicals coming in contact with skin over and over.

Finally, these chemicals contribute to air pollution in conjunction with your washer and dryer, meaning you’re also breathing them in. Instead, make this simple recipe below.


Use 1/8 cup per load.

Multi-surface cleaning spray


Here’s your one-stop shop for all your surface cleaning needs. This is a recipe you might want to make a double batch of or fill up a few bottles with at a time.

The natural cleaning sprays at the store have a tendency not to work very well, and even if they do, the price can get a little crazy! If you’re cleaning a big house, tidying up after the kids or need cleaning supplies for both home and business, you know how quickly the spray goes!

Stretch your budget and your bottle with this simple, all-natural recipe.


  • 1 tsp borax
  • 1/2 tsp washing soda
  • 1 tsp liquid castile soap (again, I recommend Dr. Bronner’s)
  • Essential oils of choice
  • Glass spray bottle

Get the full recipe from Wellness Mama, or check out this all-purpose solution from Live Simply.

Fabric softener


Fabric softener and dryer sheets are arguably more toxic than detergent itself, so if you’re going to go full-on DIY with your laundry, this step is key!

Seriously – if you’ve ever opened a box of dryer sheets, the strong scent nearly knocks your socks off. That fresh mountain breeze scent? The real deal smells nothing like the chemical-laden “wonder” sheet.

Once again, it’s time to strip down and get to the bottom of this mystery by avoiding it altogether and taking the homemade route. Fabric softener can reduce the breathability of certain clothing like athletic wear, and they can stain your clothing.

Ingredients for fabric softener:

  • 1 gallon white vinegar
  • 30-40 drops of essential oils of choice

Use 1/2 cup per load during the rinse cycle. High-efficiency machines will work well with around 1/4 cup. Increase either measurement for large/heavy-duty loads.

Ingredients for dryer sheets:

  • Cotton cloth (small square)
  • 3-5 drops of essential oils

You can use cut-outs from old t-shirts or pillowcases/sheets for your cotton squares. Simply let some oils soak in and toss a square in with your next load while drying.

Can you tell DIY cleaning is all about the essential oils?!

Floor cleaner


Everyone’s favorite chore – mopping the floors! If you’re lucky enough to have hardwood floors, or unlucky enough to be putting off FINALLY scrubbing the bathroom floors (okay, I don’t always love to clean), it’s time to throw away that bottle of Pine-Sol and get down to business with something a bit more natural.

Lemon has a lovely, energizing scent to it that nearly screams, “I just cleaned my floors!” but by now you know… there’s an essential oil for that.

Ingredients for hardwood floor cleaner:

  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • 2-3 drops essential oils (opt for a fresh lemon scent!)

You can use acidic vinegar on hardwood floors if you use enough water, so don’t skimp on the water ratio in this recipe!

To clean other material floors, simply mix up the ratio; 3 tbsp. of vinegar to 16 oz. of water and 1-2 drops of essential oils will work well. You can use this cleaner with a mop or microfibre cloth.

Dishwashing liquid


You are what you eat, so if you’re putting some effort into meal prepping healthy eats every week and doing your best to be consistent with dietary changes, you should probably watch what you’re washing your dishes with.

The strange and undoubtedly artificial colors of the dishwashing soaps at the store should be enough to make you wonder what the heck is in that stuff. Instead of wondering, make your own and know for sure.


  • 1 1/2 cups boiling water
  • 1/4 cup grated dry castile soap
  • 1/4 cup liquid castile soap
  • 1 tablespoon (plus up to 1 teaspoon additional) washing soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon non-GMO glycerin
  • 15-40 drops essential oil (citrus scents help to cut grease)

Read the full recipe from Mommypotamus

Do you make your own cleaning products at home? Share your favourite DIY ideas with us below! We hope you enjoyed these ideas. Cheers to a happy, healthy & non-toxic home!

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Your Guide to Choosing The Safest Tupperware & Food Containers

Maybe you’ve mastered meal prep Mondays, and perhaps you even really look forward to eating leftovers. Good on you! This is key when you’re trying to eat healthy and make a habit of it.

The next step would be storage. Not only does proper storage in the fridge keep your food from spoiling too soon, but it’s a factor in health.


Many tupperware and food storage containers have some sneaky qualities to them that can take away from our healthy meals. If you’re going to put the work into batch cooking and packing away your bounty all tidy and organized, you may as well do yourself justice and invest in some proper food storage containers.

Here, we’ll discuss what makes a healthy, non-toxic choice and recommend some of our favorite brands for all your tupperware needs.

Speaking of meal prep, check these out:

15 Healthy Meal Prep Ideas

Our 7-Day Make Ahead Meal Plan Volume 1 and Volume 2

The problem with plastic


If we can encourage one positive change in your food storage mechanisms, let it be that switching from plastic to glass is a big service to your body and your food. Let’s chat about why.

  • Heat. Heat and plastic do not mix. It’s good to let your food cool before storing it in general, but it’s especially important with plastic. Plus, glass storage containers can often be easily transferred to the oven or microwave without presenting an issue. Beyond safety, this makes heating up leftovers really easy.
  • Chemical leaching. Along with heat which can increase the chemical output, chemical leaching is bound to happen with plastic tupperware. You can read more about the specifics in the next section, but most plastic containers will leach over time with repeated use. Naturally, we want tupperware that can withstand the test of time. Speaking of time…
  • Safe plastic is relatively new. Tupperware claims to have been producing BPA-free products since 2016 – not so long ago! If you’ve got some ancient tupperware sitting around, it’s doing you more harm than it is good. Besides, it’ll be nice to do some revamping in your kitchen stock.

BPA-free: what does it mean?


While this label is promising, and you’re going to come across it over and over while sourcing new kitchen storage containers, it’s good to get some clarifiers for what labels truly mean something.

The same goes for sourcing meat, in particular. You’ll see labels that seem favorable, but what is the difference between free-range and pasture-raised? It’s good to know what these regulations entail, and the dirty details.

BPA, otherwise known as bisphenol-A mimics estrogens, thus being thought to cause some serious health issues over time. With our constant exposure to BPA from plastic tupperware, water bottles and aluminium cans, it really does add up.

Unfortunately, many BPA-free labels are misleading. In some research, even products with the label contained estrogen-like properties. As we mention above, it’s important to remember that BPA-free can be a good indicator of a safe product, but it can’t always be trusted to stay that way with extended use of the product.

The risks of BPA


Some risks include asthma, cancer, infertility and genital deformity – yikes! To elaborate on the latter, its sexual side effects are undesirable to say the least – especially considering things like egg and sperm count can be reduced even with minuscule amounts of BPA in the body over time.

It’s best not to take your chances. Considering how much our hormones determine our overall health and wellbeing, exposure to synthetic estrogens is best eliminated as thoroughly as possible.

This study links BPA to depression in children, even with BPA exposure in the womb, proving that its effects can be detrimental before birth. If that doesn’t change you mind, we don’t know what will.

Even more convincing is the idea that the way the ill effects of BPA “reprogram” our cells can impact our children and our grandchildren. The consequences can be passed on from generation to generation, so not only will replacing your plastic do you a favor, but it will keep your family strong for years to come.

Other consequences of its hormonal disruption within the endocrine system include early puberty in growing children, hyperactivity (particularly in young people), increased risk of obesity and a compromised immune system.

Safe bets: our product recommendations

Now that we’ve scared you out of plastic containers, let’s talk about how you can upgrade. These are investments, and they will serve you time and time again. Ideally, your food storage solution is also a ‘buy it for life’ deal.

We’re talking sturdy, unbreakable, truly BPA-free options that can take a little heat.

Glasslock containers


This is the number one storage solution. You can opt for a 3-piece set in a variety of sizes (by ounce capacity) or you can choose a variety pack with 9 containers if you have a lot of gear to replace.

They’re airtight and leakproof, contain zero BPA, and they will easily transfer over to the oven or the microwave. They’re also dishwasher-safe, so clean-up is super simple.

It’s made of soda ash and limestone, which are great ingredients to look for when sourcing safe tupperaware. Finally, Glasslock is stain and odor-proof which gives it a good upperhand on plastics which retain strong food scents and color.

These are FDA-approved safe, which is a good indicator of a reliable choice; many brand’s packaging are not! Bonus: it can withstand a pretty far drop, so clumsy chefs – these are safe in your hands.

ECOlunchbox bento box


If you’re packing lunch, this bento box can’t be beat. It’s tidily organized in a stacking system that manages to hold about 1.5 cups of food! It allows equal space for all your dishes, so you can mix and match leftovers with ease.

They’re reminiscent of ‘tiffins’ in India, where they’ve been used for a long time. Catching up with the times is in style with this stainless steel lunchbox; it’s non-toxic and plastic-free.

Stainless is always a good choice for cookware and food storage devices. Purchase the ECOlunchbox Trio Bento Lunchbox.

We hope you learnt something new about safer, healthier food storage devices. If you have a favorite brand or tupperware, share your recommendations with us below in the comments!

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New Year’s Resolutions Worth Making

A brand new year is right around the corner, so if you’ve been infected with that “new year, new me” mentality, you might have a slew of ideas running around in your head. What will you finally get around to making happen this year?

If you’re anything like me or the rest of the world, chances are, you’ve embarked on the same journey time and time again in celebration of the clock striking midnight.

New Years Resolutions Worth Making

First, I want you to think about the resolutions you’ve made in the past, and especially the ones that never came to fruition. Next, I want you to recognize that making a resolution isn’t an event that should be limited to one day per year!

Rationally speaking, you probably already know this, but write it down if you have to.

Now, I want to tell you that setting a goal for the ‘dawning of a new era’ is a great idea if you set it right. Often, new year’s resolutions are weight-centric, fitness-focused, and rather vague when it comes down to it.

It’s easy to say, “I want to lose 20 pounds” or snag a gym membership on the first of the month, but where’s the passion? It’s just not there! Besides, a mere resolve only gets us so far; it’s the plan that counts. Read more about process vs. outcome-based goals.

Between helping you plan and setting resolutions outside of the box, we have some ideas for you to carry on into the new year as we turn over a new leaf. Perhaps, we’ll even do it together.


Make sleep your number one

 We’re big fans of sleep around here. Have you checked out our free 7-Day Sleep Challenge? If not, the new year is just the time to get on board. According to this study, the average adult is only getting around six hours of sleep per night!

You don’t need much more than that, though; the study also confirms that getting more or less than 7-8 hours of sleep contributes to your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. So, it’s time to aim for the sweet spot.


Getting a good night’s rest is pretty much the first step to making the rest of your resolutions happen. It contributes to physical and mental health, and it provides us with the clear head we need to make other good decisions!

If you’re gearing towards getting healthy in the new year, believe us when we say THIS is the first step.

Get to giving


Generosity is a proven way to increase both mental and physical wellbeing. First, it helps us to shift our focus to others, thus becoming less invested in our own problems and often menial frustrations.

Second, it seamlessly immerses us into a community, which gives us a sense of working towards something bigger alongside other like-minded people. It also helps us to live in the moment and be more mindful of the people who surround us.

Finally, volunteering can actually fight depression and increase lifespan.

You can exercise charitable acts through small gestures of kindness here and there. Moreover, you can set a goal to volunteer as it fits into your schedule whether that’s once per week or once per month.

You could go above and beyond and get involved in a community organization that you feel passionate about. If you’re more of a ‘behind the scenes’ personality, you can simply set up direct deposit to donate to a cause you feel strongly about.

There are so many ways to practice generosity, and it’s a resolution worth making. Who knows? It could even help you pick up a new hobby.

Step up your social game


Adulthood often brings on new struggles in terms of us carving out time to see our friends. Jobs, marriage, kids and everything else that life tosses our way means being social dwindles to less and less of a regular occasion over time.

One of the reasons that volunteering is so valuable in terms of mental and emotional health IS the social aspect, though.

To elaborate on the goal of giving, you could start by organizing and hosting a dinner party or potluck with friends and family, weekly or monthly. You could also ask a friend to join you in a class or a new hobby.

Make it something with potential to be consistent, and don’t let your relationships fall to the wayside this year! Strengthening your current social circle is also a great way to expand it which can be a nice addition to your social resolves.

Opt outside more often


Many of us inherently spend a lot of time inside, but by doing so, we’re robbing ourselves of potential fitness opportunities, seeing new places and good ol’ vitamin D.

While it can be tough to get motivated to step out into the world in the depths of winter, it’s still a good time to resolve to spend a little more time outdoors in the new year.

Whether this means setting a simple goal of walking to run errands or to commute more often, or researching some local parks and trails to cross of your to-do list, it’s a highly beneficial goal to have.

Organizing time to gain perspective, play more and tap into your inner child, and practice functional fitness (i.e. walking or hiking) is an exercise for both the mind and body.

As a bonus, being in green space can reduce stress and boost energy levels.

Cross a destination off your bucket list


Travel is important to a lot of people, and naturally, it comes at a cost. Where have you been dying to go, but haven’t carved out the time or money to venture to yet?

Make it happen! For one, planning a trip gives us something to work on getting organized and saving money for (two other resolutions on this list). It could also contribute to you opting outside or stepping out of your comfort zone.

Talk about killing two or more birds with one stone.

If you plan ahead and research wisely, you can likely find discounted airfare and get away on a dime. While holidaying may seem like a frivolous expense, it’s a great way to reset mentally when you need it the most, and enjoy rare and uninterrupted time with the person/people you love the most.

We’re giving you the go-ahead here to treat yourself this coming year!

Reduce technology


Technology is rather ubiquitous in most people’s daily lives whether it’s work, play or a mixture of both. It’s more difficult than ever to tune out for any substantial period of time whether it’s a few minutes or an entire weekend.

While it may be nearly impossible for you to really do a digital detox, there are ways to reduce the amount of time we spend in front of the screen.

If you’re an avid television watcher, you could resolve to switch your cable to subscription services only. If you’re glued to your phone for most of the day, you can try an app like Moment which will track your screen time.

With that, you have a concrete number to work on reducing. You can also choose to set small goals such as not using your phone past a certain time, reducing screen time right out of bed (i.e. setting a 30-minute rule), or designating 1-2 phone-free weekends per month until you can work up to every weekend.

Have ‘money-fasting’ days


If you’re like many people, starting – and more importantly, sticking to – a budget is probably at the top of your list. What better time to start than the new year?

It’s easy to begin with, but it can feel nearly impossible to keep up with. This is especially true if you’re trying to pay down some old debts, or realizing you might be living a little (or a lot) outside of your means.

First, just being aware of your spending habits and creating an accountability system is a fantastic beginning. If you’re having trouble cutting back on frivolous expenses or stacking some savings, consider carving out one day per week that you spend no money at all.

It might be a small act in the long-term, but it can be really helpful to those who put their expenses in order and see how big their daily budget really is! Pack your coffee and your lunch, and opt for a night in.

Just sticking with this plan will help you be more mindful on your spending days, and hopefully bleed over into some other good habits (i.e. eating out less). If you’re really ambitious, you could do a spending fast for a week or a month – it’s possible!

Don’t just join a gym – go in with a goal


The gym is a place where we can reach serious potential, but it doesn’t come by simply signing up to the gym. In fact, it doesn’t always come even when we’re walking through the doors every day.

There are a few factors that go into this, but one of the most pervasive and destructive in terms of a fitness-related resolution is the lack of direction.

Look at all of the machines, classes, weights and other people putting in work. It’s simple to become overwhelmed or intimidated to the point of setting up some serious limits for ourselves, even if it is subconscious.

Ask yourself what you want your body to be capable of, and do some research. Ask some fitness professionals at the gym, or splurge on some training to build your confidence and your skill set. Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to be a runner?

Do you simply need a place to de-stress after a long day? All of these broad goals can be broken apart into smaller pieces and milestones to work towards. Make sure you’re getting what you want from the gym, and it will no longer feel like a chore, and you’ll actually look forward to going.

Start a bullet journal


Another common goal when the new year sets in is simply to get more organised. If you’re struggling with organisation already, simply saying you’re going to get it together once and for all is setting yourself up for a whole lot of frustrating.

A bullet journal has a simple format that is highly customizable and accessible. Besides – it’s fun! You’ll break down your life into monthly, weekly and daily calendars which will help you to visualize what needs to be done, and how much of it you’re getting done.

It’s a formula that can be tailored to anyone’s needs whether you’re a student, you work from home, or you just feel like you could use some more time in the day (couldn’t we all?).

Alternatively, you could use a pre-formatted ‘bullet journal’ like the Passion Planner if you think you might procrastinate on getting creative. Get your bullet journal inspiration here for how to get started and ideas.

Don’t diet – change your lifestyle


It almost seems futile to discuss why diets don’t work when they’re the centerpiece of your resolution, but let’s break it down a little bit. For one, the term “diet” often has a temporary undertone, so we’re only focused on eating a certain way – and generally a way we aren’t so enthusiastic about – for a designated period of time.

Here at Happy Body Formula, we don’t do diets. We also focus on sustainable change.

If you’re looking for a head start, consider our free 7-Day Eat Better Challenge or the full 9-week Happy Body Formula program (make sure to take advantage of our Early Bird sale).

Our live program begins in January, so you can join in with a group of people ready to tackle a resolution that actually sticks, with the intrinsic support of your coach and your community. Knowledge is power, and that’s what we arm you with!

Changing your diet isn’t about following the rules, and it certainly isn’t all about weight loss (although it is a nice side effect for many). Focusing on the lifestyle changes that accompany diet including weekly meal preparation, learning to read labels, and discovering the foods your body reacts to well are tools you can feasibly use forever – not just until you lose those 20 kilos.

It’s all about mindset


It’s less about what your resolution is, and more about how you approach it. Let’s say you’re trying to dismantle a bad habit. Let’s talk about biting your nails or smoking, as concrete examples.

Both of these habits are driven by specific triggers or precedents. Instead of deciding you’re just going to QUIT, think about what makes you want to do these things in the first place.

This is where your process-based goals tie into the outcome. The ideal outcome is to abstain from these habits entirely, but where is the problem derived from?

Many smokers or nail-biters find themselves relying on these vices during times of stress. We have mental cues that are so subconscious once we have an “outlet.” If you’re trying to quit, start with becoming aware of the lead-up; if you smoke after a meal, start replacing that with something healthy instead.

If you bite your nails when you’re driving in traffic, come up with a new (and safe) activity to keep your hands and/or mouth occupied.

Balancing the short-term and the long-term

It’s fantastic to think in the big picture! We can be proactive when we do this. We can also clearly envision our goals.

It’s inspiring and motivating to think of where you might be in three, six, or twelve months, and it can often drive our desire to be consistent with what we’re doing in the day-to-day to get there.

It’s important to remember that setting goals is a highly individual process, though. Think about some of the resolutions you’ve made in years past, and try to recall whether maybe the long-term outlook was too focused in the future.

Once again, getting to that six-month progress mark requires daily work, so you have to break that resolution into daily habits, weekly habits, monthly habits and so on.

Discipline vs. motivation


Simply put, the reason why new year’s resolutions end up left for dust is because we lose motivation. It’s a fleeting feeling when it comes down to it, and for us to expect it to last just because the calendar year has changed is naïve.

Meet discipline – motivation’s cousin. When we put the tools in place to practice discipline in our daily lives, we can continue moving forward even when we simply don’t feel like it.

Unfortunately, those days, weeks and months are inevitable. If you’re setting up for a successful resolution year, you have to make the processes that will ultimately lead you to your outcome non-negotiables. Eating healthy? Do the prep work. Trying to save money?

Refrain almost all impulse buys. Trying to get fit? Make your gym time “me time,” and don’t skip out unless you need a rest day. Discipline lasts while motivation will wax and wane.

What’s YOUR resolution for the new year? We want to hear it! In case you needed to hear it, the team at HBF believes in you!

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