Today, I want you to take a look in your medicine cabinet, your makeup bag and wherever else you might be hoarding beauty products. We’re going to take some inventory together, and perhaps you’ll be able to do a little spring cleaning.
DIY beauty isn’t complicated or expensive; it’s practical and a worthy endeavor. Plus, you only need a few simple upgrades to get started with.
These products are your baseline, and you can really work up from there. You can make your own DIY beauty recipes, or at least you’ll better know which natural ingredients to look for when purchasing beauty products in the future.
1. Rosewater
Rosewater makes a fantastic facial toner. Toner’s purpose is generally to remove oil and any remaining impurities. This means smaller pores and a smoother complexion overall.
Another major benefit of using rosewater to tone is to improve the pH balance of the skin. We want to use toner after cleansing to restore pH, because soap takes the acidity of our skin down.
The skin on its own might generally produce too much oil to restore it. Finally, it can prevent ingrown hairs – and toner isn’t just limited to use on the face! Use it after shaving if you’re prone to them.
Toner also has moisturising qualities, and you can mix rosewater with essential oils, aloe and other properties to increase those properties.
My recommendation: It’s All Good Rosewater Facial Toner. This handy spray bottle is SO easy to use, and it’s small enough to carry around. I like using it as a refresher out and about to keep my skin dewy, especially in dry climates. Plus, it smells lovely!
2. Castile soap
Castile soap is just about the only soap you need. You can use it in your laundry, you can use it to wash dishes, you can use it to clean the house, and you can definitely use it in your beauty routine.
If you’re looking for an all natural soap that you can depend on and love the smell of, look no further than Castile soap. It’s biodegradable, so it does no harm to your body or the environment.
You can use it to wash your hair, wash your face, wash your body, shave with and just about anything else!
The label on Dr. Bronner’s states dilution directions for many uses, so it’s easy to figure out how to use it for what you want. Adding some salt can make it a beautiful, foaming exfoliant that isn’t too harsh on the skin.
It makes a lovely bubble for the bath tub in addition to some Epsom salts. You can use it to clean your makeup brushes naturally without harsh chemicals. The list is truly endless.
My recommendation: Dr. Bronner’s is such a trusted brand, and I’ve been using it for as long as I can remember now. There’s a reason the label reads ’18-in-1.’
I love each scent, but I find tea tree to be the most versatile. I like to use different scents for different purposes. You could also opt for the unscented bottle and add your favorite essential oils for a customized soap.
3. Witch hazel
Witch hazel also makes a lovely toner, but it has other benefits too. It’s very astringent, so like rosewater, it shrinks pores and pulls away at excess oil on the face.
It can be especially effective in blackhead prevention, if you struggle with them! It also works well to remove dark circles and bags under the eyes as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Since we’re on the topic, its ability to reduce inflammation in the skin can also prevent and reduce blemishes, help heal up bruises, reduce visibility of varicose veins stop bleeding and treat ingrown hairs.
It feels like witch hazel can do anything, but that’s just skin ailments! It can also treat damaged gums. Simply use a witch hazel mouth rinse if you have sensitive bleeding gums or after invasive dental procedures.
My recommendation: Thayer’s alcohol-free witch hazel I use , which is safe for oral use as well as topical use. You can also add essential oils to make it scented, or purchase Thayer’s rose petal witch hazel for the best of both worlds (and something a little fragrant!).
4. Frankincense oil
This essential oil is amazing for a variety of reasons, like most essential oils. It has some seriously therapeutic benefits, and it doesn’t hurt that Frankincense smells nice!
One of the best ways to use it in your daily beauty routine is in an anti-aging serum to keep you looking young! You can check out this recipe for a simple serum here including Frankincense.
It’s antibacterial and antiseptic, so we know it’s great for cleansing the skin and has some detox properties – an important part of keeping skin supple as it is our body’s largest organ.
It can also be powerful in reducing the appearance of stretch marks, so combining some of this essential oil with a bit of avocado oil on problem areas can help to fade the dark color. It can also help to heal up other skin issues like cuts and acne.
My recommendation: Get a good quality oil! Quality makes all the difference in essential oils. I trust Plant Therapy.
5. Coconut oil
What can’t coconut oil do? The answer is nothing. Literally. It’s the end all, be all. If you’ve got a jar in your kitchen, you should get a jar in the bathroom too. Your skin, teeth and hair will thank you.
First, you could try the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling which simply requires you to throw back a glob of the stuff and swish it around like mouthwash for 20 minutes or so.
It’s antimicrobial properties will help remove bacteria and whiten the teeth. You can also mix it with charcoal and make a DIY toothpaste (actually, there are many ways to do this including this recipe on our blog).
It makes a great hair mask for dry and brittle hair, helping to bring back that shine. Finally, it makes a wonderful moisturizer – just be careful not to use too much because it can clog pores.
It works well to soothe chapped lips and it can even be used to soften up cuticles for healthy nails. If you don’t have time for a full hair mask, just rub it on the ends to dismiss frizz and repair split ends.
Oh, and it works brilliantly to remove makeup – even the waterproof stuff!
My recommendation: Use it on everything. You should buy a big jar of it and divvy it up so you have some where you need it a.k.a. all over the house. You’re not crazy – I promise.
You can mix it up with some essential oils for any purpose to give it a better scent, but the coconut smell is pleasant in and of itself.
6. Activated charcoal
You might have seen charcoal floating around in peel-off mask recipes, and that’s definitely one way to use it. Activated charcoal is incredibly porous, so it’s super beneficial to our skin.
It latches on to toxins and dirt and pulls it out extremely well! Since it’s such an effective detox mechanism, it’s also fantastic for using to brush your teeth with.
You can just add some charcoal powder to your toothbrush with a bit of water and brush, or mix it with bentonite clay and/or coconut oil for a paste.
My recommendation: Check out our favorite DIY charcoal recipes on the blog to better see how you can use this awesome beauty staple in your routine.
I trust this brand if you’re looking to purchase it, but I also recommend checking out your local health food store to see if you can purchase it in bulk for the best price.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Raw apple cider vinegar is economical and versatile. Its beauty uses are derived from its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, making it useful for quite a few things.
For example, you can go no-poo (a.k.a. shampoo-free) and do an ACV hair rinse instead as it removes buildup and restores the pH balance on the scalp.
It’s also great for smelly feet – an embarrassing, but common problem! ACV can also help to soothe sunburn in a warm bath or diluted with cool water as a direct treatment.
Some additional uses include skin toner and acne prevention and keeping nails clear if you have trouble with them yellowing.
Finally, its acidic nature can help to whiten teeth and it doesn’t taste too bad because it’s slightly sweet! Just mix one part with three parts water and use as a mouth rinse once per day.
My recommendation: Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar I love with the mother. I think it’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet – especially for digestion and stomach acid production – but it gets just as much use in my bathroom as it does in my kitchen.
8. Bentonite clay
Bentonite clay is a fantastic vehicle to make DIY beauty recipes with because of its texture. It can be used in mask recipes as its thick texture hardens up nice on the face, and it can be used as a toothpaste as it makes a nice mixing medium.
This greyish clay is aged volcanic and, and when hydrated, it produces an electrical charge! Pretty cool, huh? It swells when liquid is added and becomes super porous, making it a good detox agent through that electrical attraction!
Besides masks and homemade toothpaste simply mixed with some essential oils, you can rub some with water on to cuts or other skin abrasions to reduce swelling and clean them out.
It can even be helpful under extreme skin inflammation like eczema, psoriasis, and chicken pox. You can also use it in the bath like you would Epsom salts – simply use around 1/4 cup instead – for a good full body detox.
It can even be used as a natural baby powder because even the little ones need some pampering!
My recommendation: You need a good food-grade clay like this one. Be weary of pure white clay. It should retain a greyish color always.
9. Castor oil
Castor oil is a great product to have handy. Its anti-inflammatory benefits are notable in the skin. It can help reduce pigmentation and discoloration in the skin, perhaps even reducing the visibility of acne scars.
From there, it can help to eliminate acne and also proves to be a healthy, natural way to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Moreover, you can use it in the hair too. It’s a great way to fight scalp infection and restore balance there, making a possible dandruff treatment.
It can also keep those long locks flowing by helping hair growth, plus it prevents greys from sprouting up! It’s your one stop shop to keeping your hair youthful looking.
My recommendation: Heritage Store also makes castor oil, and I really trust this brand. Plus, they’re incredibly cheap for a quality product which I appreciate!
10. Argan oil
Argan oil is a really common ingredient in beauty products both natural and not-so-natural. It doesn’t have to be complicated though, if you just get some straight from the source and learn why it’s useful in your routine.
Like many oils, it has moisturizing and hydrating qualities to it. It’s full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your skin and hair will want to soak right up.
You can add some to your DIY toner for a more nourishing blend, especially if you have skin that tends to dry out quickly.
It can also be added to your favourite face mask or sprinkled in with your daily lotion. It’s as powerful on its own as it is as an enhancement to products you’re already using and love – preferably natural ones!
You can use it directly on hair for shine, cuticles for softness (and set overnight in socks/gloves for a strong nail treatment), or skin for that supple glow.
My recommendation: I like this pure and organic argan oil from Pure D’or. It’s cold-pressed which is ideal for most oils, unrefined with no chemicals or synthetic fragrance added.
Tell us what natural beauty products you’re excited to use, and how you stock your bathroom! Are there any that we missed?
Let us know in the comments, and make sure to share this article if you liked it. Share it on Pinterest from here!
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