What’s a bullet journal?

The bullet journal is described as “the analog system for the digital age” and its popularity is spreading like wildfire. We’re going to show you why and how you can use bullet journaling to create a more organised, fulfilling life.
We’re a generation of people who are now accustomed to documenting our lives online. In photos, captions, Facebook posts, blogs and more, we’ve ditched pen and paper in favor of telling our stories via a laptop and smartphone keyboards.
You probably have organizational apps to compile to-do lists, calendars, and goals too. Seriously, there’s an app for everything. The bullet journal takes all of those components and places them in your hands, the old school way.
Perhaps beginning a journal is intimidating to you, but your bullet journal is what you make it. Consistency is key, so don’t let the hesitation prevent you from keeping up with it.
The point of the bullet journal is writing in ‘rapid logging’ form rather than long, drawn-out, detailed diary entries. Instead, you’ll focus on four major components: topics, page numbers, short sentences, and bullets.
The point is creating a space that helps you organize your daily, weekly and monthly tasks which can help you see where you’re working towards goals, and what your short-term goals versus long-term goals are.
Moreover, there is so much space to just be; you can jazz things up with stickers, create a sleep or exercise tracker, write down a playlist that sums up the month, begin a gratitude journal, or write down the memories you made that day.
You’ll see more about how to use these topics to construct your thoughts, lists and calendars below, and it will all make a lot more sense. Essentially, you can bullet journal anything at all!
Learn more about getting started at BulletJournal.com, or check out some of these inspiring bullet journalers on Instagram for more visual ideas. You can read more about the mental benefits of journaling here.
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Bullet journaling product recommendations

The keys to your journal are up to you. Are you one who likes to highlight? Do you want a templated canvas, or would you prefer to do the work yourself? Are you black and white, or do you think in color?
Do you like stickers and photos, or would you prefer a clean, minimalist layout? Either way, thick paper and thin pens are the only requirements (and there’s some wiggle room there, too!).
- The Passion Planner has the layout designed for you, so you can get into bullet journaling even if you’re not feeling ‘creative’ enough. It has blank journal spaces, daily planners by the hour, monthly planners, and more.
- Want to DIY it? This notebook is the quintessential platform for beginning your first bullet journal.
- These Mildliner highlighters will make you want to take notes! They also feature dual tips, so you can highlight even the teeny, tiny details.
- When it comes to pens, you want precise lines and loads of colors. This set of 16 from Micro Line is a great kit. We also like this package of 36 pens from Staedtler because as you’ll see below, the pen hoarding gets real, and fast!
Let the obsession with stationary begin

Is there such thing as too many pens? Nope… we didn’t think so.
Seriously… it’s addictive!

The key to scholarly success? Bullet journals, of course. Don’t doubt the power of color-coded note taking if you’re going for straight A’s.
It will help you make themes and associations, which can help make learning and retaining that information easier! If you’re bullet journaling your way through college, Babes Who Study has a must-see Instagram feed!
Make it your own

A bullet journaling MUST-HAVE is Washi tape.
Journal your gratitude

Remember the details

The best part about your bullet journal? You can take it anywhere. Therefore, you can write in it anywhere. Use yours to make memories last!
Whether you write down quotes from friends in conversation over lunch, or you use it as a travelogue whilst lounging on the beach is up to you.
Track your zzz’s

Anything you can track is worth tracking bullet journal-style. We love this minimalist approach from Marie of Journalspiration.
Remember what makes you happy

These are the things we forget when we’re down. Instead, write it down. A bullet journal is a personalised source of inspiration when you need it the most. We’re into it!
Daily essentials

If you’re looking for the ultimate bullet journal inspiration account to follow, look no further than the master of the art, Natascha! Here, she showcases her daily spread, otherwise known as ‘dailies’ in the bullet journal community.
If you’re just getting started, you can peruse her Instagram feed with gorgeous visual inspiration, and check out her website, How To Bullet Journal.
Find your work-life balance

Bullet journaling is an amazing tool for students to stay organized and inspired to study. When you’re memorizing new terms, learning new skills and managing day-to-day life simultaneously, there’s a lot that gets left for dust. Instead, write it down!
Check out more ideas here.
Make habits stick

Pencil in your Netflix binges

We can all afford to take a break, but you know how those TV binges go! Set some limits and pencil in your downtime instead of letting it happen (and extend beyond it’s scheduled time).
Remember to also plan for proper sleep!
Take note

Emma is a first year uni student, and she stays organised in the classroom and beyond with bullet journaling. Warning: you are going to experience some serious handwriting envy.
Read more books

Need help accomplishing personal goals, even down to the books you read? Sometimes, it’s good to visualise it. It doesn’t hurt when it looks this good. Draw your dream bookshelf and make it happen!
Make a budget (and stick to it)

Make to-do lists

It feels good to check off the boxes. Bonus: the seasonal themes! Check out more from this ‘Studygram’ here.
Organise by themes

Express yourself! We love this cartoon-themed week. It brings out some colour and childlike joy into all those responsibilities… sigh! See more fun theme ideas here.
Create a collage

Using different mediums like photos from newspapers or magazines, to create a theme like this collage, is a great way to express yourself in your journal.
Do it for Instagram

If nothing else inspires you, how about creating something beautiful to show off? It’s not about the likes, but it is about feeling confident in your abilities to organize your life.
Perhaps, you’ll notice other things in the home falling into place, too.
Journaling is “me time”

We could all use a little more time to ourselves, and carving out the space to organise our thoughts and task lists is an amazing form of self-care and implementing that much-needed “me time.”
Enjoy every moment

Are you ready to start bullet journaling yet? If these photos don’t inspire you to start your own, we don’t know what will. Happy writing!
If you need more convincing on getting started, consider our free 7-Day Sleep Better Challenge which will encourage you to stay accountable for your zzz’s.
Music, mountains, dogs, travel, food and friends.
Hello! I am so happy you like my collection of Bullet Journals photo! I would very much appreciate photo credit 🙂 Thank you kindly.
Tiny Ray of Sunshine
Kim – no problem! I thought that I had credited each photo, but I will edit in your website if you’d like. Where do I owe you credit?
Thanks you, Alex! It’s the one at the very top, with all the notebooks spread out 🙂